Thursday, August 2, 2007

Nap Update

I had an ah ha moment a couple of weeks ago. I realized that Z was not falling asleep until later in the afternoon and he was very worried when he went down about what B&K were doing. So we have implemented quiet time in our house. Z takes B to his room and puts him down for quiet time at about 2pm and tells him he will come and get him in 2 hours, then he takes K to our room for her quiet time and tells her he'll come and get her in two hours too. After that I get Z down, explain quiet time means he has to lay in his bed and he can't get up until I come and get him then I go give B&K a thumbs up so they can resume playing quietly. Every day that we've done this he has fallen asleep within 10 minutes of me putting him in his room. I go back and get him either in two hours or whenever I hear him, whichever comes first. Then he promptly goes and gets B&K up from their quiet time. Thankfully the big kids have been really good sports and have gone down for their quiet time without a fuss. Now I just have to convince A that she wants to nap then too.