Thursday, May 29, 2008


You know I love my new home state... but what is this obsession (need I remind you that Alaska is bigger?). Ha ha! Just had to get a little dig in before I started my story. (If that doesn't get a comment or two I think I'm going to hang up my blogger hat!) I just don't remember this many Missouri themed events when I was a kid - let me contemplate that: Truman drops a bomb theme, Lewis & Clark stroll through MO theme, Jesse James shoot out theme, okay I got it Samuel Clemens theme... nope none of those quite make the mark like TEXAS!
Tuesday night my eldest child, B was in a musical at his school. Anyone want to guess what it was about? Yes, good job Mr. Watson - TEXAS! When we moved here to the great big state of Texas B went to preschool and he had a Texas themed graduation, now we move again and another Texas theme! As you will see our B is a multi-talented individual and the musical was great (as were all the other Texas themed events we've been to in the last 6 years).
Enjoy the pictures and little video clip.

This is a wanna be triathlete..

Last night my new "friends" in the tri club thought it would be fun to torture me, no wait that isn't it. They decided that since I have signed up to be in a triathlon on June 21st that I should actually experience what it was like, so last night we did an unofficial sprint triathlon (300 yard swim, 10 mile bike ride and a 2 mile run). It was a blast! I slept SO good last night, I was sore, tired and I felt incredible!! To my tri-buddies - THANK YOU! You all encouraged me, praised me and pushed me and I appreciate it!!
This is me AFTER it was all done - lovely!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


That is what I should be doing! I have a mound sitting on my couch that is demanding my attention with its declaration of wrinkles but alas here I sit at my computer refusing to succumb to its hysterical demands.
So while I block it out I will tell you all, my avid readers, about my weekend.
Sunday the kids (the two big ones) and I went to Hippy-Dippy Land and volunteered at the Cap Tex Tri, now that was incredible! I only had two poor sorry individuals that thought we (the other individuals there voluntarily) should have a good tongue lashing. I noticed that the race had a bell curve to it, we had a few die hard athletes that came through at the beginning then a massive rush of people and then a few dwindling souls who were bringing up the rear (Side note: Those tail end athletes are my heroes - because they were there! It would have been so much easier not to do it knowing they would be last. I know this because I am/used to be one of those that didn't do it because I didn't want to be last. No longer - I plan to be at the end of the pack at my first tri, why? Because someone has to be last!). Back to my story... one guy (in the middle of the pack) got very upset when our small band, including four smallish children, began running low on water. So he said a few colorful words to increase my children's vocabulary and then ran off. Soon after that I was stopped by a lady who wanted to know how to get to the winner's circle, seemed like an easy question - "over there and up the stairs." Except that she had a stroller - hello! Uh oh, I really didn't know what to tell her so I pointed her the way of the stairs and hoped that she'd come across someone who could tell her... but not before she could utter these words, "what would you tell someone in a wheelchair?" Uh - "I'm a volunteer at my first event and I have no idea." Yep - I'm so quick on my feet!!! I didn't stop long enough to tell her that I felt her pain, that I am the woman behind a 50+ lb. double stroller daily trying to navigate all types of terrain. Oh well - I'm still hoping she found a way into the winner's circle and I hope that colorful vocabulary guy had a great race too! The kids and I had a great time, we got to see Coach Adrien and my friend Kathy and tons (100's) of people thanked us for being there and a few even came back to tell us that they couldn't race without us and they were so appreciative of our time. B&K really had a blast and now B is ready to sign up for the tri that K&I are doing on June 21st - sweet!!!
Yesterday we took a little family Memorial Day road trip to Alamo Land - we went to the Witte Museum to see the exhibit Our Body: The Universe Within. It sounded really incredible and I only found out about it last week, yesterday was the last day. Sadly we got there and they were sold out until the 3:30pm show which would have meant carting our kids around for 3+ hours and then going to see the exhibit. Somehow we didn't think Z&A would allow that - call us psychics if you want. hee hee! Since we were there we went ahead and went to the rest of the museum and that was fun but I was very disappointed. Here's a few pictures of the kids at the Science Treehouse (the best part of the museum in my humble opinion).

Here's a little calendar preview... which one should I pick, hmm...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Swim Meet - May 23

Last night we had our first summer swim league meet. Yes, that is right, last night. That is highly unusual, ordinarily they are Saturday mornings but apparently someone had the date wrong and then they didn't want to rearrange it. SO we had a night time meet and it ran VERY long (we got home at 11:15 and we left early). Jason stayed home with "the babies" and I took the big kids so that I could volunteer and be a timer. My friend, Belle took some great pictures as you will see below.
Before I show you the pictures let me tell you about B&K. They did dyn-O-mite! K was a little hesitant about her first swim meet but she did great, I even got to time her once and each time she swam I got a great big wet fishy kiss after she was done. How can you beat that? B has been swimming "competitively" for about 4 years now and lately his coaches have asked him to see that competitive streak. B (for all of you who know him this is no surprise) is a very laid back kid - easy going (just like his dad) and non-aggressive, so you can imagine that this is not an easy thing for him to just pull out. Well last night he did it! I got to see it from the sidelines when he got about half way through the pool he suddenly; hit turbo drive, kicked in the power boosters, swam like he had three arms (maybe four)! Yep that is right my boy, B, dominated and pulled out a win! It was impressive!

Tonight the kids had a birthday party - they roller skated (aw memories! I heard 99 red balloons, some Prince, Madonna and visited with other 30ish women who remembered playing limbo, four corners and couples only skating... wow brings back the memories - if only I had a pair of socks I would have been rockin'). Oh yea and they bowled - this was not the type with a bar though so my childhood memories of going to the bar while my mom bowled and ordering Shirley Temples was not relived. Phooey!
Finally tomorrow we have a big day. The kids and I have volunteered (okay I volunteered myself and them) to go and assist at the Cap Tex Tri in Austin - should be loads of fun. We will be helping out at a run station, passing out water. We are going to cheer on "our team" - the group that I've been training with.

Friday, May 23, 2008

The new bed

Oh ah! We got our new bed! Yippee Skippy!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Farms, brotherly love, peas & ducks...

I won't be talking about those things in that order, but here's the latest news near Hippy-Dippy Texas for Jason's Clan.
I went for my open water (aka murky) swim last night and I have been told that I should be proud of myself, even though I wasn't feeling it last night when the other 5 people there were at LEAST 100 yards ahead of me and a duck with her ducklings went sailing past me! But my self-esteem is intact, sort of! I will prevail. Here's the lowdown, I really psyched myself out yesterday trying to convince myself that I couldn't do it and by the time I got there I felt like I was back in the pool on the first night. I couldn't keep my face in the water without panicking and holding my breath, instead of breathing out. So there you go - it stunk but I'm glad that I went because now next time I shouldn't get so panicked.
This morning for breakfast Z had some "ogert" and wanted to share with his little sister. I couldn't resist this picture! So sweet.

After breakfast we went to an organic farm. It was interesting, the kids picked strawberries, I bought some lettuce and fresh eggs but Z was none too happy when he found out that all they had was a hen house and there were no pigs in the vicinity.
We also had some fun outside today. Z&A have really learned to appreciate the wonderful backyard that we have. I love to watch them toodling around enjoying the sunshine (which we have PLENTY of!).

Finally, here is a quick slide show to show you why Jason thinks A will be his new favorite date! She will eat ANYTHING!! Even peas!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Dance, dance, dance & update

This seems to be the new theme of my blog! I caught this on video today and had to share. As you can see in the background (toward the end) the bike is STILL in the box. Bad Daddy - Jason! Z wasn't feeling really well this weekend so Jason put it off until next weekend. So Z&A just have to wear their new helmets in their chariot - that is what I call the bike trailer that I borrowed from my friend, Heather. Oodles of fun! I'll try to get a picture soon.
Not a lot to report over the weekend, we cleaned the garage, sold our bed frame & box springs and now I'm anxiously awaiting a phone call tomorrow to see if I can get my bed! Yesterday afternoon I had VBS training and church in the evening. Today I took the kids in their chariot to the pool, A's first time playing in the pool this season. She's going to be a fish just like big brother B! If I can just get her and Z to behave in the chariot I will be set. At one point I turned around to see them batting at each other and yelling - oh what fun that is to pull along two yelling children beating on each other!!! Ugh! I debated yelling out, "this is not a jungle gym, don't make me pull this chariot over!" I opted for rolling my eyes, praying that no one got hurt and peddling like mad.
Last but not least, just to update you on my tri-training, I am signing up to compete in my first triathlon on Saturday, June 21st! Tomorrow night I will be doing my first open water swim - that's tri-code for non-chlorinated, muddy, bug and fish infested waters, did I already say UGH in this blog? Yep - oh well it must be repeated! Which leads me to my final update in this area, two weeks ago I swam 200 yards without stopping and last week I swam 3 - 200 sets back to back (I stopped between each of those)! I can say with all honesty that it isn't pretty but I DID it! Yea me!

Friday, May 16, 2008


A few weeks ago I took A to get a hair cut - the front of her hair was just unruly and I could never keep a barrette or pig-tail in very long. When the lady finished cutting her hair she said what do you think and my immediate response was, "She looks like K!"
What do you all think???

A Note from Z

Dear Daddy
My G'ma Bonnie & G'pa John bought me an ultra-cool new helmet to wear when I learn to ride my way-out radical new bicycle. SO Daddy won't you PLEASE put my bike together? Because right now I think I may be over-doing it for my tricycle - ya think?

FYI - Z got his new bike earlier this week and has been asking Daddy twice a day when he's going to put it together. Poor little guy is so ready to ride, feel the wind in his face, his adrenaline racing, the bugs in his teeth...!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Weekend celebration & update

I have put together a montage of our weekend celebration. My DEAR brother, Scoot, took pictures for us (approximately 420ish) so as you can imagine narrowing it down was tedious at best! Thank you Scott you really did get a lot of great pictures (and some not so great)!

So at the end of all this you will find a montage - enjoy.
Until you get there, here's the latest update.
A is now officially a front facing kid! Dr. update - she's approximately in the 30th percentile for weight, 25th for height and shockingly in the 90th for head circumference! Big headed baby!

We got our bed today - sort of... they showed up with it only to find out that they had side boards that were black (the right color) and a headboard & foot board that were brown (NOT right). So I was very disappointed and now this is what my bedroom looks like - phooey!

The cute 3 year old isn't on the bed right now but you get the picture!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Our Dancer

For you my sweet girl, K! I love you so much & I treasure these memories!!!

What a FANTASTIC weekend

We had a really fantastic weekend. PARTY!! We were so happy this weekend to have friends and family around us as we celebrated the birthday's of Z&A and K's recital. My mom & dad (Al) came from Ozark, MO - what a long trip! Thank you both so much for coming, helping, and celebrating with us! My dad (Harold) & Judy-Mom came from Kingwood, TX to spend time with the grandkids and see some super terrific dancing! Last, but never least, Uncle Scotty-Watty-Poopy-Potty came all the way to longhorn country to see one of his favorite nieces dance her toes off! Thank you so much - that really made K's day!!! She was so excited to have everyone there. To my new friends around here, thank you so much for taking part of your Saturday to celebrate with us - your friendship is so wonderful and I am so honored to count you all as friends!! Thank you for blessing my children with your presence and your gifts of love! Here are just a couple of the 400+ pictures that Uncle Scoot took (I will be doing a LONG montage soon):

Thank you (in no particular order): Heather, Bobby, Skyler, Aidan, Reese(y), Rachael, Kyle, Elias, Nicole, Emma, Terry, Tim, & McKaen - you all are super fabulous friends!!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Birthday A!

To celebrate the birth of this beautiful child is a truly fantastic way to celebrate Mother's Day!
I am so blessed and filled with thanksgiving!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I'm afraid of my MIL (hee hee - love you Bonnie).

It has been several days since I posted a blog. I am preparing for the BIG party this weekend so I haven't had time to do an update. But here's a small snapshot of what has been happening here. I have a science montage to share soon, we've played with bananas, bottles, balloons and worms - not necessarily altogether. You'll see what I'm talking about soon. A's big thing now is to put everything around her neck (scary!) and to carry stuff, I guess now that she's got this walking thing down pat that she must proceed to the next step - pack mule!
B's still adorable! Z's funny and as wacky as ever and K's just a terrific as ever!
Here's some pictures to enjoy until I can give a real update!

In her right hand you will see K's watch...

Now it is on the back of her neck. Such a silly girl!

Max is not so thrilled with A taking his food jug all over the kitchen.
Or is he just unhappy because we keep his food in an old cat litter box....

He looks so cute & innocent.... BUT he's the reason for the next picture!

He threw this horrible sticky man on my vaulted ceiling - ugh!

Worms! Gotta love worms. (or not)

Uh oh this picture was taken right before my "respect all life" lecture.
(Lecture #237)

I don't think my lecture made any impact when he saw that when you
toss worms around they tie themselves in knots!

Oh yea did I mention that Jason started Fitness Boot Camp?
Here he is trying to take some of K's Wacky Mac!
She put up a good fight!

Go Jason, go Jason!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Picture of the week

I know that this picture is on the montage but I couldn't help myself.
I love it!
Good job Jason, my photographer &
K you are DYNAMITE!!!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

What did you do this weekend?

You tell me... and I will tell you.
I cleaned my closet, as you can see in the pictures below, I had a lot of stuff in my closet. When it was all done (actually mostly done) I had four bags of trash, two bags for Goodwill plus a couple of boxes. Phew! I really needed to clean!

B's friend Harrison came to visit from CS, so I took the "big" kids to Gatti Town last night. Then this morning the B, K & Harrison ran in the 1K fun run.

Oh yea, one other minor thing, I ran/walked in my first ever race - a 5K (that's a little over 3 miles). I'm not sure of my official time but I know I beat my 45 minute goal. Here's my pictorial proof - in a montage.

Last, but not least, Jason wanted me to be sure and tell you that the 80 year old man and speed walking woman beat me. I've got no shame! I did something I never thought I could have done and I passed 3 people... boo ya! hee hee

Friday, May 2, 2008

Little Z

Yesterday (as you know if you are a regular blog reader) was Z's 3rd birthday. Here are some pictures and stories about our day.
When Jason asked him how old he was he said, "I'm two." Jason tried to explain that he was 3 but Z wouldn't hear any of it, because in his mind you can't be 3 until you blow out your candle, eat your cake and people sing to you. Jason had a birthday donut with him for breakfast but that just didn't cut it!
When K got up I asked Z to tell her what today was. His response, "It's your birthday!" Not quite.
K and I made Z a little birthday surprise, see picture below.

I can explain! If I make cupcakes (which I will be doing for the "big" party) I WILL eat them! I have a horrible sweet tooth. So this way Z had a "cupcake" to eat for his birthday and I had something to snack on that was semi-healthy. This reminds me of the another Z funny - he looked in the oven while these "cupcakes" were cooking and said, "those are muffins man." Ha, ha, ha... can't fool him.

Finally on the way home from dinner, Z picked Texas Roadhouse (with only a little bit of encouragement from his daddy) we sang happy birthday to him. He enjoyed it so much that we ended up singing it to him 5 or 6 more times before we got home. At which time we listened to the messages on the answering machine and low-and-behold G'ma Bonnie & G'pa John had called and were singing his new favorite song. Enjoy this little serenade!

John - aren't you glad I was able to get the end of that on video? American Idol would surely be calling you if you weren't, how old was that again?!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Z

Three years ago today WE welcomed the addition of a fabulous baby boy. When I say we, I mean WE! B&K were in on the naming of this boy, they even out-voted their Dad so we found out ahead of time that we were welcoming a boy, so this day was a big adventure for us all. I loved putting together this montage - he's got the best faces! Z we all love you and are so glad that you are with us on this journey.
Be careful though watching this will induce a Zach Attack = uncontrollable urge to hug Z!