Sunday, June 20, 2010

"Watch out for the donkeys!" something I never thought I'd hear during a tri!!

Today was my first open water triathlon, Tri it in Spanish (300m swim, 20k bike, 3.2k run)! I was SO nervous, I really thought several times in the last 24 hours that I would toss some cookies (but I did not). Here's how it happened:
I prepared for the swim by following my friend Eileen out to the waters edge, she insisted that we move toward the front (not way up front with the really fast people) but we decided after the last one that we didn't want to go to the back and short change ourselves. When it was my turn I was prepared, goggles ON! I jumped in and did what I know how to do, I swam. I started strong but when I got to the tunnel (yes tunnel!) I panicked a little and flipped over to do a backstroke. When I came out of the tunnel I flipped back over but only to find that I could not see through my goggles! Ugh. I attempted a small windshield wiper action in my goggles so that I could see the last buoy and it worked. I finished strong and felt really good about my swim.
The bike ride started out flat but then there was a steep incline (read BIG hill) and the road was very bumpy - with traffic, including a truck that did not want to pass me, finally did. I don't mind other bikes behind me but a truck is a little intimidating sitting on your tail. As I rounded the half way point of the bike I was feeling good and smiling, but not as much as I was 5 minutes later when I rounded a corner and heard these words from a police officer, "watch out for the donkeys!" Sure enough I saw a herd (4 or 5) donkeys prancing down the road. Initially they were on the other side until a bike scared them to my side. I was cautious but anxious to get by them, they were obviously scared and I didn't want to be in their way. After several laughter filled moments I was able to pedal like a mad woman past the herd. Wow! That entertained me all the way back to the steep incline where I did a "woo hoo" as I flew down - FUN!
The run! Oowei! The run was tough! As I've explained before there is nothing quite like running when your legs feel like spaghetti. Sadly I was not able to run like I would have liked until the end. For the record let me tell you that people standing around cheering is a must on these runs! As I got to the two mile mark there were a couple of people and they started cheering and telling me I was almost done, then there was a water guy, then another couple - I ran the remainder and finished running. It felt great until I stopped and then I was woozy. I got some orange juice.
For the record Eileen was third in her age group. I am so excited that I have this great friend that does these things with me - what a great treasure her friendship is to me. Eileen's daughter, Shelly got some pictures so hopefully I will be able to add those soon.

Friday, June 18, 2010

7th Annual Splish Splash and Irritated!

Somehow I missed this blog last year (I'm working on that!) Every year since 2004 we have gone to Wapelhorst Park in St. Charles MO when we visit Gramps and G'ma Bonnie. Guess what! We went AGAIN!! Doesn't look like we will be ending this tradition anytime soon, Z&A are now in love with this park too! I have tons of picture on my camera (thanks Bonnie) but I'm going to post our underwater pictures - we love those.

We have our camera and we are ready to go to MO to play with Gramps & G'ma Bonnie!

BKZA with Gramps!

Shocking I know! B underwater!

K underwater - yep shocking!

Now sit down people! Z's VERY first underwater picture.
This trip was a huge success for my Z-Man,
he went underwater happily many, many times!!

Me and my fearsome foursome.

Now do you want to see how much these kids have changed? Want to see why A thinks that she's been there before and was wearing a pink bikini? Ha ha! Then check out these links, 2004 thru 2007 and 2008.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My team

I have been blessed with an amazing team to work with. One of our student parents took this picture today at the end of the year celebration.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Did you know?! That the rules of kickball are complicated? If you, you like me, thought these were the rules (old school):

1. Kick ball with all of your might
2. Try to hit and maim runner by throwing the ball at them = out
3. Try to catch the ball = out (because you throw like a girl)
4. Umm.. that's all folks, those are ALL the rules!

I found out first hand this week that kickball isn't what it was back years ago when I relegated to the outfield to pick dandelions uh.. I mean, catch the occasional run-away ball.

#1 Just like they have new fangled math they have LOTS more rules in kickball (FYI the before mentioned rules are still good). So many in fact that you might call the game - softball or baseball without the bat!

#2 Foul balls can be caught to get the runner out. Duh!

#3 There is a thing called tagging up or as I liked to call it, "go back, Go Back, GO BACK!!!"

#4 You can't over run certain bases, really don't remember which ones - hopefully no one over-ran while I was on watch.

#5 Fifth graders do NOT appreciate the "no head shots" rule that I decided to implement, apparently that is not as much fun! Mean Mrs. C!

#6 I learned that this signal

means "SAFE" not "OUT" - which, by the way, is what I yelled every time I did this motion. Poor confused 5th graders!! Ha ha!

Hiking & End of year update

This last weekend Jason & I took BKZA on a hike at the Zilker Nature Preserve and had a great time. I was very impressed with all of the kids and their determination. This was not an easy hike for a 3 and 5 year old! We had a great time and when it was done we got to go to the museum and "dig" dino bones. What fun! Sorry no pictures, hiking with our camera wasn't a good idea.

Tomorrow is the last day of this school year. Wow what an incredible year - I've really enjoyed teaching US History and because of this position I've been granted the incredible opportunity of going to Colonial Williamsburg this summer. As exciting as all of that is, I've been asked and decided to accept a math position for next year. In the past math has been my first love and I commented upon taking this job that it would only be better if I had been able to teach math. Now I get my wish, although it is a little scary. It will be a new and interesting year next year. Z will be in Kindergarten and K will be in 5th grade (with me - but not on my team) and B will be attending San Marcos Baptist Academy with his friend H. SMBA is where Ms. Belle works, a friend we have been blessed to make a part of our extended family. I'm excited and nervous about B attending a school that isn't really close but mostly I am excited about the opportunities that this might provide for him.

Finally I have a few pictures that I thought you all might enjoy seeing, now that you have read all of that!

My little swimmers.

Baby girl A walking in with her class to Z's graduation.

The pre-K graduate walking in to his graduation.

Sharing a fruit punch