Friday, June 21, 2013

A - 5 Things

A - Day 4 of Challenge

5 Things
A #1 - She will always be the boss of BKZ and they know it even though she isn't aware yet.
A #2 - She joyfully helps fold towels.
A #3 - Her giggle makes everyone giggle.
A #4 - Reader!  She loves to read!
A #5 - She loves God and she will tell you so without any hesitation.

May 2007
April 2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Z - 5 Things

Day 3 of Bible Study Challenge

5 Thing
Z #1 - My Z-man is always full of energy.
Z #2 - He is sensitive and loves to give hugs and kisses.
Z #3 - He laughs all the time, sometimes at things I would rather he didn't laugh at, but we all love to hear his laughter.
Z #4 - Early bird - I never have to wake him up!
Z #5 -  My computer geek, Jason, has a mini me, his name is Z!  I love how similar they are in their passion for all things computer.

May 2005
April 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

K - 5 Things

Challenge Day #2 (if you don't know the challenge review the previous post)

5 Things
K #1 - She shines from the inside out, her love of all people radiates!
K #2 - She's brilliant, but would never brag or show off.
K #3 - She's taller than me and this makes her smile and stand up even taller!  Be proud, oh tall one!
K #4 - She watches cheesy movies and TV with me and not only does she not complain she appears to enjoy our cheesy movie/TV time.
K #5 - Watching her love her younger siblings is a true and unbelievable treat.  She loves them with her whole heart and they are lucky to have her watching over them. 

January 2000
April 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

B - 5 things

I'm in the middle of a Bible Study - No More Mommy Meltdowns - K picked it out for me, hmm wonder what she was trying to tell me.  Two things that I've been assigned to do, Read Proverbs1-31 in the next 31 days AND sit down and write 5 things about each of my kids that I love... so for the next 4 days I will share with you (my faithful blog audience) my favorite things about BKZA, my fearsome foursome whom I love!

B #1 - I had the pleasure of scuba diving with B and it will always be one of my best memories. 
B #2 - He's got a great sense of humor and when he smiles, it is so incredible!
B #3 - He enjoys sports and I love to watch him play. 
B #4 - He still gives me a hug when I ask for one (I'm careful to ask only when he doesn't have friends around)
B #5 - He has a great appetite and is not squeamish about trying new foods.

January 1998
March 2013

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013

I have been blessed beyond measure by the men in my life!  I had the most incredible grandfather anyone could ask for - he was stern but loving and guided me through 30+ years of life.  How wonderfully blessed I was to have him teaching me for so long. 

When I was 9 years old my mother married my Daddy (Al) - he loved me unconditionally, provided me with hugs that were second to none and made me laugh often. 

My Dad is generous, kind (don't tell him I said so) and although ornery I know that he loves me.  I am truly blessed by him in my life as are his grandchildren. 

G'pa Harold in action with the grandkids!

Finally, I was blessed to marry a man that adores his children and makes parenting so much more fun and entertaining than it should be.  We laugh at most of the same things, sometimes I shake my head at what he laughs at but in the end I know that we are a team and I can tell him anything and everything (sometimes I think he'd prefer that I didn't feel that comfort).

In addition, Jason brought with him another wonderful father to my life, my fil (John) - he also has brought a lot of laughter into my life and brings a twinkle and a smile to my children's face just by being in the same room. 
Cartwheel :)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Summer Swim League -- Z made it!

This was Z's first year on the Summer Swim League.  After B&K went through it I always said that Z&A would follow suit, it is great exercise and it relieves my mommy mind when my kids are at the pool.  I know that they are stronger swimmers because of all of the practice they get.  It has taken us a little longer to get Z into it, he's never been a huge fan of putting his face in the water (even during a bath).  Today was his VERY first swim meet - it was the last one before the championship meet but it was in our subdivision and I think that made him feel a little better.  He had a great time and did a great job - so you know what that means?!  He got to pick what we had for lunch and that rockin' kid chose Subway!  Love him tons!!
Check out the pictorial proof.  Sadly I am not able to upload the video - I'm not giving up but it is not on this post.  Will continue to try - or check out FB.  


Friday, June 14, 2013

Documenting the Cat

Hobbes the cat has been in our family since we became a family.  He moved in to our home in July of 1994, 5 months after Jason made the greatest decision of his life (marrying me).  You can do the math I'm sure, but to expedite the process this cat is 19 years old!  I've noticed that lately he spends huge amounts of time in front of my pillows on the bed.  Normally not an issue if you don't have a problem with cat litter sprinkled on your sheets and an occasional sheet changing hairball issue.  However, today I felt challenged to document how much time he spends in this position. 


11am (B bravely removed the pest from his perch)

11am (returning to perch)



As you can see we missed a space of time there.  In order for this research to earn the Nobel Peace Prize I will need to spend more time following my subject.  Until then... isn't he a cutie?!