Saturday, June 15, 2013

Summer Swim League -- Z made it!

This was Z's first year on the Summer Swim League.  After B&K went through it I always said that Z&A would follow suit, it is great exercise and it relieves my mommy mind when my kids are at the pool.  I know that they are stronger swimmers because of all of the practice they get.  It has taken us a little longer to get Z into it, he's never been a huge fan of putting his face in the water (even during a bath).  Today was his VERY first swim meet - it was the last one before the championship meet but it was in our subdivision and I think that made him feel a little better.  He had a great time and did a great job - so you know what that means?!  He got to pick what we had for lunch and that rockin' kid chose Subway!  Love him tons!!
Check out the pictorial proof.  Sadly I am not able to upload the video - I'm not giving up but it is not on this post.  Will continue to try - or check out FB.  


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