Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Farms, brotherly love, peas & ducks...

I won't be talking about those things in that order, but here's the latest news near Hippy-Dippy Texas for Jason's Clan.
I went for my open water (aka murky) swim last night and I have been told that I should be proud of myself, even though I wasn't feeling it last night when the other 5 people there were at LEAST 100 yards ahead of me and a duck with her ducklings went sailing past me! But my self-esteem is intact, sort of! I will prevail. Here's the lowdown, I really psyched myself out yesterday trying to convince myself that I couldn't do it and by the time I got there I felt like I was back in the pool on the first night. I couldn't keep my face in the water without panicking and holding my breath, instead of breathing out. So there you go - it stunk but I'm glad that I went because now next time I shouldn't get so panicked.
This morning for breakfast Z had some "ogert" and wanted to share with his little sister. I couldn't resist this picture! So sweet.

After breakfast we went to an organic farm. It was interesting, the kids picked strawberries, I bought some lettuce and fresh eggs but Z was none too happy when he found out that all they had was a hen house and there were no pigs in the vicinity.
We also had some fun outside today. Z&A have really learned to appreciate the wonderful backyard that we have. I love to watch them toodling around enjoying the sunshine (which we have PLENTY of!).

Finally, here is a quick slide show to show you why Jason thinks A will be his new favorite date! She will eat ANYTHING!! Even peas!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

wow! way to go, Sherry, on the Tri-athalon, i'm sooo impressed!! and congrat's surviving the "muddy" swim!
have you tried frozen peas w/ A? that's the only way i can get sam to eat them!
cool blog, too, you'll have to fill me in on how you did the new layout sometime.