Tuesday, May 27, 2008


That is what I should be doing! I have a mound sitting on my couch that is demanding my attention with its declaration of wrinkles but alas here I sit at my computer refusing to succumb to its hysterical demands.
So while I block it out I will tell you all, my avid readers, about my weekend.
Sunday the kids (the two big ones) and I went to Hippy-Dippy Land and volunteered at the Cap Tex Tri, now that was incredible! I only had two poor sorry individuals that thought we (the other individuals there voluntarily) should have a good tongue lashing. I noticed that the race had a bell curve to it, we had a few die hard athletes that came through at the beginning then a massive rush of people and then a few dwindling souls who were bringing up the rear (Side note: Those tail end athletes are my heroes - because they were there! It would have been so much easier not to do it knowing they would be last. I know this because I am/used to be one of those that didn't do it because I didn't want to be last. No longer - I plan to be at the end of the pack at my first tri, why? Because someone has to be last!). Back to my story... one guy (in the middle of the pack) got very upset when our small band, including four smallish children, began running low on water. So he said a few colorful words to increase my children's vocabulary and then ran off. Soon after that I was stopped by a lady who wanted to know how to get to the winner's circle, seemed like an easy question - "over there and up the stairs." Except that she had a stroller - hello! Uh oh, I really didn't know what to tell her so I pointed her the way of the stairs and hoped that she'd come across someone who could tell her... but not before she could utter these words, "what would you tell someone in a wheelchair?" Uh - "I'm a volunteer at my first event and I have no idea." Yep - I'm so quick on my feet!!! I didn't stop long enough to tell her that I felt her pain, that I am the woman behind a 50+ lb. double stroller daily trying to navigate all types of terrain. Oh well - I'm still hoping she found a way into the winner's circle and I hope that colorful vocabulary guy had a great race too! The kids and I had a great time, we got to see Coach Adrien and my friend Kathy and tons (100's) of people thanked us for being there and a few even came back to tell us that they couldn't race without us and they were so appreciative of our time. B&K really had a blast and now B is ready to sign up for the tri that K&I are doing on June 21st - sweet!!!
Yesterday we took a little family Memorial Day road trip to Alamo Land - we went to the Witte Museum to see the exhibit Our Body: The Universe Within. It sounded really incredible and I only found out about it last week, yesterday was the last day. Sadly we got there and they were sold out until the 3:30pm show which would have meant carting our kids around for 3+ hours and then going to see the exhibit. Somehow we didn't think Z&A would allow that - call us psychics if you want. hee hee! Since we were there we went ahead and went to the rest of the museum and that was fun but I was very disappointed. Here's a few pictures of the kids at the Science Treehouse (the best part of the museum in my humble opinion).

Here's a little calendar preview... which one should I pick, hmm...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for always keeping us up to date on your adventures. I'd pick "A". Here is a little free advice: The laundry will never be done so don't let it get you down!

Kierstyn said...

Haha! Your story about the race cracked me up! I can just see you and your sweet smile dealing with that bad attitude lady. :-)