Monday, August 27, 2007

The first day of school

So here are my babies on their first day of 4th grade, 2nd grade and Mommy staying home. They don't look too afraid, huh? K never showed signs of being anxious, she was just downright excited. B on the other hand was a little apprehensive and that made me terribly distressed, he's my big boy... he doesn't want lots of hugs and kisses and cuddles anymore so I didn't know the right way to drop him off. Do you do the big bear hug and kiss him all over his face and tell him everything would be okay - mommy will make sure it is?! No, that is not the option I chose, I gave him a little shoulder hug and told him I'd be thinking about him all day. Which was 100% true. I haven't stopped thinking about either one of them. In about an hour I will find out how their day was, that will be posted either later today or tomorrow.
Z&A and I had a good day. Z went down for quiet time early, with the promise that we'd go get his kids when he woke up. I'm working on getting A on a similar nap schedule as Z so she's down too, that gives me about one hour every day to get stuff done alone.
It has been a good day, I know that my husband will read this sometime (he's a closet fan of my blog) so I want to say somethings to him (and the rest of you will be my witnesses :).
1.) Thank you for letting me stay home with our children. This is a dream come true for me & I appreciate all the work you do to make it happen.
2.) I still reserve the right to misspell words and have grammatical errors so back-off. :0)
3.) I love you - thank you for being the greatest husband!
4.) Thank for not snoozing me this morning.

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