Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What a FANTASTIC weekend

We had a really fantastic weekend. PARTY!! We were so happy this weekend to have friends and family around us as we celebrated the birthday's of Z&A and K's recital. My mom & dad (Al) came from Ozark, MO - what a long trip! Thank you both so much for coming, helping, and celebrating with us! My dad (Harold) & Judy-Mom came from Kingwood, TX to spend time with the grandkids and see some super terrific dancing! Last, but never least, Uncle Scotty-Watty-Poopy-Potty came all the way to longhorn country to see one of his favorite nieces dance her toes off! Thank you so much - that really made K's day!!! She was so excited to have everyone there. To my new friends around here, thank you so much for taking part of your Saturday to celebrate with us - your friendship is so wonderful and I am so honored to count you all as friends!! Thank you for blessing my children with your presence and your gifts of love! Here are just a couple of the 400+ pictures that Uncle Scoot took (I will be doing a LONG montage soon):

Thank you (in no particular order): Heather, Bobby, Skyler, Aidan, Reese(y), Rachael, Kyle, Elias, Nicole, Emma, Terry, Tim, & McKaen - you all are super fabulous friends!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh it looks like y'all had so much fun and K looks beautiful! I wish we could have been there! Hopefully next time we can be there to celebrate the birthdays of two of my favorite kids. :-)

Love you guys,

Unknown said...

K, you did AWESOME! Love, Scott