Friday, February 29, 2008
Some video for you...
Notes to consider:
Z believes that pants are optional when you are at home! Silly boy. Yes, he's still Blue's Clues biggest fan.
A has this new trick down pat so well that when she hears the video she stops what she's doing and uses the sign language for please - very funny.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Funny Kids
Here are a few examples.
I sing this song to Z-boy:
I love you Z, oh yes I do, I don't love anyone like I love you....
when you're not with me I'm bbllluueee (stretch out that blue!)
Today Z started singing it to me! Awww so sweet! But the funny part was how he stretched out the blue.
*I'm going to try to get this on video!
I love how he quotes Buzz Lightyear, "To infinite and begone" (all you Toy Story fans know that he says, beyond not begone)
B has a new thing that he and Z do too. B puts out his fist and says, "brothers forever." Z wraps his hand around B's fist and says it too. Again - aww!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Am I sick?
Friday, February 22, 2008
A title would be nice...
Even I'm still learning. Today I learned that the center between the sinks is lower than the outside of the sink so that if you accidentally do something non-green and silly, like leave the water on, the water won't spill over the edge of the sink! However the bubbles will go very high! Oops!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Little J
P.S. Erin - I hope you don't mind me sharing this picture... he's just so "stinkin' cute!"
Oh yea - on a side note, I love how Z knows exactly who this little guy is every time I open up a picture of him.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Never a dull moment
I have some funny stories to share:
Z gave Jason a book to read the other night with this introduction, "this is a good one for you Daddy." The title of the book, I Love to Eat.
Last night Z gave the same book to Jason (it is essentially a picture book with all types of food in it) and this time when they got to the lollipop page Z said, "lollipops, we eat them all day and all night." Huh?!
Finally, today I smelled something and Z was the only one in the vicinity so I said, "Z I smell a smell." To which he responded, "it's A." She was napping! So I tried to have a conversation about lying and what that is, but apparently I didn't pronunciate well when I said, " A lie is a...." and Z thought I said, "Elias is coming over today." Ugh!!
Now here is a little montage that I was working on, I took a lot of pictures this week. We planted our acorns, lots of fun. You'll see...
Yes... Jason did cut a cable wire! Not during this shot but when he was putting fertilizer stakes around the BIG tree. Ugh - $60!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
He is now eating his pancakes!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
15 years ago today
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Happy V Day
So I'm terribly sorry sweet K - I love you and hope that you have a really great V-day with a glass of water and perhaps a bowl of pudding! :)
B&K both made us V-day cards. K's was beautiful and very sweet & B's made me smile.
Here's what it said:
I'd give you an award winning novel from myself for Valentine's Day but....
I'm not a published author and I haven't made a novel so I give you this. Attached was a piece of paper that was decorated like a U.S. dollar bill that said, "In God we Trust to give eternal love"
WOW! Now that's a Valentine's Day Card!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
First off I want to tell you about my weekend. Not because it was anything fantastic, just because it was interesting. A, Z and I went to CS to stay with my brother, Scott on Friday night (he beat me at canasta, just barely). I was able to go see my friends Kierstyn & Curtis our kids played, we chatted and had dinner it was great to have a place to relax and let the kids play. Saturday morning Z got a new motorized truck from G'pa Harold & G'ma Judy (we should have pictures to share later this month), finally while we were in CS we went to our friend's Christi & Michael to help celebrate their little girl, Alexis' 3rd birthday party. Sadly the weekend took a turn for the worse when we got back home on Saturday night - Z got sick. Lastly, on a disgusting and slightly funny side I went to get Jason & the big kids dinner Saturday night and inadvertently came across a skunk who was having it out with a SUV, I drove through the skunk spray and now my van STINKS! Phooey and PU!
Things I love about my babies...
A - soft, fluffy hair that falls over her ears, no matter how much I try to push it behind her ear. How she holds onto my shirt or finger for dear life when she's nursing and kicks her feet.
Z - how he says packpack
Okay I'm almost done. Kierstyn posted this on her blog -- one-word answers only!
1. Where is your cell phone? counter
2. Your significant other? sick
3. Your hair? gray/blonde
4. Your mother? friendly
5. Your father? funny
6. Your favorite thing? sleeping
7. Your dream last night? forgotten
8. Your favorite drink? water
9. Your dream/goal? delighted
10. The room you're in? kitchen
11. Your ex? none
12. Your fear? misplaced
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? family
14. Where were you last night? home
15. What you're not? tall
16. Muffins? chocolate
17. One of your wish list items? paint
18. Where you grew up?
19. The last thing you did? post
20. What are you wearing? sweats
21. Your TV? overboard
22. Your pets? two
23. Your computer? old
24. Your life? magnificent
25. Your mood? content
26. Missing someone? 2
27 Your car? skunky
28. Something you're not wearing? shoes
29 Favorite Store? online
30. Your summer? busy
31. Like someone? love
32. Your favorite color? black
33. When is the last time you laughed? minutes
34. Last time you cried? weeks
35. Who will/would re-post this? Christi
Happy Birthday John/TTG
Here are some pictures with his children, as a bystander watching him father his children -all I can say is wow! I am so glad that I married a man with such a great role model!
(click on this link and you will see the proof of what great role models both of my in-laws are)
Now for the grand slam - here he is with his grandchildren.
So happy birthday John - I hope you have a wonderful day & don't do anything
Thursday, February 7, 2008
My nephews
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
Palatal Expander
So here's a link to a website to show the first instrument of torture (I mean procedure) that K is going to get to "enjoy!"
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Makes my feet HURT
As some of you know I have a petrifying fear of heights, I actually have physical symptoms when I watch a movie and see people up high (hence the title of this blog - my feet actually hurt when I am up high and am afraid of falling). As you can see in this picture there were only a few barricades, railings, bars, barriers, fences, or other protective devices on this mountain overlook!! Ugh! I will admit that the views were nice but I don't think that this is one of those places we will frequent often.