Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Never a dull moment

Our family has now survived two "flus" this season! There have been some times when I thought that I might resign this position, Mommy is a great career choice if you can get it, but Mommy to barfy kids is the fine print of that contract! Thankfully we are all feeling better and hopefully will be back to our normal routine tomorrow.

I have some funny stories to share:
Z gave Jason a book to read the other night with this introduction, "this is a good one for you Daddy." The title of the book, I Love to Eat.

Last night Z gave the same book to Jason (it is essentially a picture book with all types of food in it) and this time when they got to the lollipop page Z said, "lollipops, we eat them all day and all night." Huh?!

Finally, today I smelled something and Z was the only one in the vicinity so I said, "Z I smell a smell." To which he responded, "it's A." She was napping! So I tried to have a conversation about lying and what that is, but apparently I didn't pronunciate well when I said, " A lie is a...." and Z thought I said, "Elias is coming over today." Ugh!!

Now here is a little montage that I was working on, I took a lot of pictures this week. We planted our acorns, lots of fun. You'll see...

Yes... Jason did cut a cable wire! Not during this shot but when he was putting fertilizer stakes around the BIG tree. Ugh - $60!


Anonymous said...

I hope everyone gets to feeling better soon! I just recently had to have a conversation with Alexis about lying as well (it had to do with washing her hands after going to the bathroom). Isn't it amazing how they just do that!?! Take care of your kiddos, I'll be praying for you guys!


Kierstyn said...

Me thinks it's a good thing you live where you do rather than up north where it's way too cold to do anything outside.

Anonymous said...

B, you look pretty handy with that shovel. I need a retaining wall built in my back yard. What are you doing this summer? It's more fun than the City Museum or the zoo or the Magic House or the water slide or a hike in the woods. Trust me. Really.

Love, TTG

Unknown said...

That is an awesome collection of photos! You even got my favorite buddy Max in the shots. Does Z still get out of his truck, walk around, open the hood and whack the engine when it gets bogged down? B and K have some really good smiles. Where was A during all of this? It is good to see Jason actually working. haha (j/k Jason) Glad you guys are doing well.


Sherry said...

Dear sweet Mrs. Kierstyn - don't you know how much my family loves to ski (& sled)?! hee hee - we would do fine in that cold stuff, at least I like to think so. I talk a big game in 70 degree Feb.

TTG - B said, "okay so I'm building a wall this summer?" I'll show him the great wall of China to give him a hint about what you are talking about!

Scoot - A was sleeping during this entire backyard make over, even if she'd been awake she'd have been cooped up since her favorite thing is to stick stuff in her mouth (grass, leaves, dog poo - yuck!).

Anonymous said...

Very cute video, but I have to ask! What is up with one shoe Brenden with the shovel? Does he use his bear foot to push the shovel in the ground or the one with the shoe? I also liked the sound track, I think I listen to that music in my truck.


Sherry said...

Yea we had to convince B that he needed to wear a shoe to shovel, so that was his method... why wear two when you can get away with just one. Does your soundtrack skip and keep going back to the beginning like my little song? :)