Saturday, February 16, 2008


This morning Z woke up late, 6:30am, and crept into our bedroom. He laid with us for a while but then wanted to watch TV so I sent him to the living room to watch TV with instructions to be quiet so Mommy & Daddy could sleep a little longer (really that is just laying there listening but he doesn't need to know that). K came out and he told her in a voice that carried down the hall very well, "I am supposed to talk soft but I want pancakes." ha ha ha!
He is now eating his pancakes!


Unknown said...

Good on ya Mom: Pancake deprivation could be bad news.

I like your new pictures on the right of your main page. The one of Z is the best. It is really funny. I get a smile every time I look at it.


Sherry said...

Good on Dad - he's the pancake maker in this family!

I love that picture too - makes me think he's coming out of the screen every time I see it.

Anonymous said...

Poor Z - He just wanted pancakes!
Love, bmg