Friday, February 22, 2008

A title would be nice...

A is changing and growing every day. Teeny Theny (as she's known around here) can stand on her own, wave, clap, snort and even says yea sometimes. As you will see she still has some work before she masters these new found skills.

Even I'm still learning. Today I learned that the center between the sinks is lower than the outside of the sink so that if you accidentally do something non-green and silly, like leave the water on, the water won't spill over the edge of the sink! However the bubbles will go very high! Oops!


Anonymous said...

Gee - A will have changed so much by the time we actually see her again! Nice to be able to see her "growing up" on your blog, though! Love, bmg

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are adorable! :-) She's getting so big! Can't wait to see y'all again.


Unknown said...

Hmmm, Sherry. I know why you made that assumption ... your old sink works better in that regard. I found that out yesterday. :-) Good thing I pay you so much to be a nurse for my 'meeces' and 'mices'. :-)

Like the new look.


Kierstyn said...

Awwwww! What a sweetie that A is!

Anonymous said...

I love it. I can't believe how much she has changed since we saw her. What an adorable little girl !!!!! Of course, even though I'm not partial. I have to wonder what she will be doing in May....