Friday, February 22, 2008


Trying to find pictures of Jason & I for the parental units section I came across these pictures! I can't believe I'm getting ready to say this - I miss going skiing (even with broken legs, torn ACL's and sore ankles - in other words Jason)! I'm not suggesting that I was good but I did have a good time when we went!

Jason with K

Me (pre-Z) woo hoo!

B - pre-Wolfcreek where he got really FAST!

J trying out snowboarding - he needs to stick to hot tubbing! hee hee
(any comment Jason?!)


Anonymous said...

Wow...brings back memories of phone calls, surgery, and a new Daddy on crutches....yes, J should stay in the hot tub.
Love, tmn

Unknown said...

I really miss skiing with you guys. Hot tubs are for weenies! Jason, you and I would kick some tail end on the slopes! And I have some fantastic memories of your kid B leading the pack (Mark, Shawn, Justin and I) down some runs that we would have rather avoided...

And how I had to make your B go drink a hot chocolate every so often so that he wouldn't absolutely exhaust himself on the slopes.
I would say: 'B are you tired?'
B: 'No, lets do it again.'
me: 'Well, would you like to sit and rest with a hot chocolate?'
B (after some serious thought because hot chocolate is BORING): 'Hmmmmmmm, ok.'

And how one year his helmet was a little too tight - but tell anyone - NO! because that would mean he would have to leave the slopes to go get a different helment and ... miss skiing time!!!!.

Good memories...

Love you guys,