Please cease and desist if you have any aversions to poop talk!
Please cease and desist if you have any aversions to poop talk!
I believe without a doubt that I am currently in the midst of potty training the most strong-willed child currently living on earth. Seriously he's adorable and I love him but I think he'd be content to have a diaper change on graduation day!
In our attempt to get Z to use the potty we have employed a technique new to us as parents. We like to refer to it as the "In The Buff Technique" - Z has been wandering around our house buck naked. It is a sight to behold, let me tell you. The rule is - if you sit on the furniture you have to sit on your pillow. Seemed to make sense to me!
Sunday this was successful - Z had a #2 success, this is a first since our first Potty Training attempt (yes back in January!). Well today it wasn't quite as successful and here's a snippet of what occurred in our house.
K - (frantic voice) Mom, Z pooped on the floor!
Me - Where?! (praying upon prayers that it was the kitchen)
K - in here, the kitchen
Me - sigh of relief - as I make my way to the crime scene
Z - (squatting next to the evidence) Ooo that is disgusting!!
Me - Yes it is!!
I am hoping that this will be a turning point but I've been there before. Keep praying - please!!!!
hahahahaha! That's hilarious! Remind me of how funny I think this all is when I try to potty train Anthony. Maybe I'll just send him to your house for a few months to poop on the floor. LOL!
Sherry, hahaha. That is funny story - from an uncles perspective but I am sorry you had to put up with that. Good luck Mom!
P.S. Cheryl enjoyed it too.
Love, Scott
OH MY.....I do believe you have a challenge, but you have never been one to run from challenges. I'm sure K probably wishes she wasn't the one to witness this...Keep up the good work S, he has to give in eventually, especially by his comment !!!!!!!
Love, TMN
Wow....ok so I think I am offically scared of Brayden growing up. And like christi said I might just send him your way...or hers which ever is closer :)
That Z!!! Good luck! Love, bmg
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