Saturday, July 19, 2008

Show and Tell

First the TELL

Last week was VBS! I'm trying to imagine how I'm going to do this mom to four kids gig when I go back to work - this week was exhausting and I was only there from 8:30 until 12! It was also great! The kids really enjoyed the lessons, activities and singing. Z&A had a good time and were also very tired when we got home.

Today was Jason's first triathlon! He did GREAT! I was so proud of him, except when he was passing me on the bike - goober! He displayed his male dominance by beating me by 5 minutes! Phoeee! We had a good time and even though "Team Screaming People" beat us, I had two other victories that outshine that loss.
#1 My family was out together using these amazing bodies that God gave us and cheering each other on! I can only imagine what an incredible memory this will be for B&K, I know it is one that I will treasure forever! Now we have to keep it up - Z&A are anxiously waiting in the wings for their turns!!!
#2 I beat B! *happy dance* I beat B! The bet that he and Coach Adrien made, remember that blog (go all the way to the bottom of that blog entry and you'll see). Yes! I beat my 10 year old! Whoop! I know that I shouldn't be so happy about that, not only is he only 10 - I'm his mother, I should be cheering for him not whooping up on him. Before you go feeling sorry for him he was taunting me today AND he's a swimmer, a really good swimmer! A little competitive streak won't hurt him.

Finally how am I going to do the SHOW of this amazing week/day? Montages! I am hoping to have them up by tonight but if not check back tomorrow. I have double church tomorrow but I will do my best to get two montages up this weekend.


Anonymous said...

You guys are having an amazing summer - and it's super to see the whole family playing/exercising/getting fit together! It's even more amazing that Jason has joined in - way to go, Jason!! Keep up all the hard work - EVERYONE! Z & A have some real role models!! Love, bmg

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful family you all have...way to go J, however, watch S because she doesn't take being beat well..ha.ha.. I can't wait till next year and see what Z & A do. Keep up the good work, J,S,B,K, and Z&A. It makes me so proud. Wish I was there to watch.
Love, tmn