Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Potty Training (revisited)

I had a phone call yesterday from my dear (brilliant) friend, Kierstyn. She and I discussed the issue of potty training my wildly happy, never stopping 3 year old. She told me about a plan where they (the child who currently is content to potty in their pants) get an M&M when they have dry pants and you set a timer (for 30 minutes - slowly upping the time) to go off and when it goes off you check the pants, dry M&M, not dry no big deal just keep trying. Then you place the child on the potty and let them sit for a minute and then off you go again on this crazy cycle. So guess what we started today - potty training my own sweet "Zacharoni" (he now calls me Mommyroni). We've had a semi-successful day, some accidents but he's much happier this time to comply with my desire for him to sit on the potty. I mean why not he's in there getting his M&M anyway! In addition we added the bonus that if he does potty he gets another M&M and a sticker (the stickers are for a great big super secret surprise - yep that's code for I don't know what he'll get yet). I'm writing this blog for prayers! Send them our way, I have high hopes because this guy is really ready for this (okay and so are we, his family)!!


Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your big boy! I hope this works!


Anonymous said...

Way to go S, trying a new approach. Glad he is more ready this time....prayers are always for your family, just a little extra for the potty training.

Vicki said...

i love it! i'll have to store that one away for later use!!! heehee! way to go Z-man- and Sherry!
love, vicki