Saturday, July 26, 2008

Adorable A

I don't have a picture of this so I will try to describe it as well as I can. Tonight I was reading books to Z and A. Z is doing a good job of sitting with me while I read but A usually wanders around coming over to try to take the book every now and then. Well tonight she decided that she wanted a book so while I was reading she went and found another book brought it to me, dropped it in my lap and proceeded to sit on any part of me that her behind could find. AAAWWWWW! It was so sweet. Did she stick around while I read the book - No - but at least she's getting the picture. Thanks Erin for convicting me of my bad book habits with Z&A - I used to read like this for B&K all the time and loved it just as much. Here's another sweet thing - B actually hung out with us tonight while I read Dr. Seuss.

1 comment:

Kierstyn said...

That is sweet! Sounds like A and my B would be good book buddies! Benjamin doesn't have much interest in books, but if the other two kids and I are reading, you'd better believe that he wants a piece of the action!