Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jason... because he's so handsome!

Here are the before pictures...

Here's how he looks today - he's down 23 pounds. Yes Bonnie he needs a haircut.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sir Potty A Lot

If I could put this post to music I would and the song would be, "I'm SO excited and I just can't hide it...."
Watch out - here comes more poop talk, turn back now if you find it distasteful to blog such things!

Today we had success - I heard the familiar clang of a toilet seat and alarm bells went off. (In our house that either means Z's trying to do something constructive or A has escaped her captors and is now enjoying an indoor splash game) I ran to see who was "calling" me - I found Z with a WAD of wet wipes, a big smile and an excited, "Momma I did it!" Yep my little Z on his own removed his pants and went #2 on the potty. We tried to call daddy, we called our friend Ms. Nicole and two of his loving grandma's and danced around excitedly!

I took this picture this morning and debated putting it on this blog but after such a great day I couldn't resist sharing it with you all. This is a treasure in my life everyday, so ENJOY!

Finally - our Family Tri Montage

Sorry it has taken me so long to post this - my friend took a picture of us at the tri and I wanted to incorporate that in the montage. As you will see I still don't have it, but when I do I will let you know it has been updated. Until then enjoy the picture we do have! The family tri was a blast - I highly recommend it to anyone who has ever wanted to give a triathlon a try.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Adorable A

I don't have a picture of this so I will try to describe it as well as I can. Tonight I was reading books to Z and A. Z is doing a good job of sitting with me while I read but A usually wanders around coming over to try to take the book every now and then. Well tonight she decided that she wanted a book so while I was reading she went and found another book brought it to me, dropped it in my lap and proceeded to sit on any part of me that her behind could find. AAAWWWWW! It was so sweet. Did she stick around while I read the book - No - but at least she's getting the picture. Thanks Erin for convicting me of my bad book habits with Z&A - I used to read like this for B&K all the time and loved it just as much. Here's another sweet thing - B actually hung out with us tonight while I read Dr. Seuss.

Job Description

Our economy stinks! If Pres. Bush or if any prospective candidates for president ever grace my blog with their presence then I would like you to know THAT. Because of the previously mentioned odiferous economy, Jason & I've decided I needed to go back to work. Since making that decision I've been very aware of the things that I do all day that make our lives easier on the weekends and in the evenings. As some of you know I have found a part-time job that will hopefully provide us with enough income to fight off this stinky economy, if so then I will continue to be able to stay home with the babies and continue to do the work that I love.

Here's a montage to show you the work that I love - most of the time:

I know I'm forgetting some stuff - help me fill in the blanks.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

That's disgusting!

Potty Training update (part XXXVI) - at least that is how this feels!

Please cease and desist if you have any aversions to poop talk!

I believe without a doubt that I am currently in the midst of potty training the most strong-willed child currently living on earth. Seriously he's adorable and I love him but I think he'd be content to have a diaper change on graduation day!

In our attempt to get Z to use the potty we have employed a technique new to us as parents. We like to refer to it as the "In The Buff Technique" - Z has been wandering around our house buck naked. It is a sight to behold, let me tell you. The rule is - if you sit on the furniture you have to sit on your pillow. Seemed to make sense to me!
Sunday this was successful - Z had a #2 success, this is a first since our first Potty Training attempt (yes back in January!). Well today it wasn't quite as successful and here's a snippet of what occurred in our house.

K - (frantic voice) Mom, Z pooped on the floor!
Me - Where?! (praying upon prayers that it was the kitchen)
K - in here, the kitchen
Me - sigh of relief - as I make my way to the crime scene
Z - (squatting next to the evidence) Ooo that is disgusting!!
Me - Yes it is!!

I am hoping that this will be a turning point but I've been there before. Keep praying - please!!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Show and Tell

First the TELL

Last week was VBS! I'm trying to imagine how I'm going to do this mom to four kids gig when I go back to work - this week was exhausting and I was only there from 8:30 until 12! It was also great! The kids really enjoyed the lessons, activities and singing. Z&A had a good time and were also very tired when we got home.

Today was Jason's first triathlon! He did GREAT! I was so proud of him, except when he was passing me on the bike - goober! He displayed his male dominance by beating me by 5 minutes! Phoeee! We had a good time and even though "Team Screaming People" beat us, I had two other victories that outshine that loss.
#1 My family was out together using these amazing bodies that God gave us and cheering each other on! I can only imagine what an incredible memory this will be for B&K, I know it is one that I will treasure forever! Now we have to keep it up - Z&A are anxiously waiting in the wings for their turns!!!
#2 I beat B! *happy dance* I beat B! The bet that he and Coach Adrien made, remember that blog (go all the way to the bottom of that blog entry and you'll see). Yes! I beat my 10 year old! Whoop! I know that I shouldn't be so happy about that, not only is he only 10 - I'm his mother, I should be cheering for him not whooping up on him. Before you go feeling sorry for him he was taunting me today AND he's a swimmer, a really good swimmer! A little competitive streak won't hurt him.

Finally how am I going to do the SHOW of this amazing week/day? Montages! I am hoping to have them up by tonight but if not check back tomorrow. I have double church tomorrow but I will do my best to get two montages up this weekend.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pictures to keep the masses happy

Tomorrow is the first day of VBS! Can't wait - it looks like it will be TONS of fun! Z&A are in a class of wee little ones (only for those working at VBS) and they are called the squeaky beakers - hee hee! Cracks me up each time I think of it. The theme is Power Lab - should be loads of fun. Since I'm the official picture taker - yea can you BELIEVE THAT?! - you will probably see some really great pictures after it is all done but until then here's a couple from this weekend to keep you happy. We had a very lazy weekend - the first this summer - so there isn't much in the way of pictures.

A's new favorite thing is to get her hair combed. She'll stand still for long periods of time if I just brush her hair (she's my girl).

B&A are becoming fast friends & today B taught A how to give hugs. K was the photographer so they are a little wacky but oh so cute!

Because she has such a sweet smile!!!!

He looks SO innocent!

Fun with paint! I was sure I gave him a paint brush!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Funny Z Story

This is Z's new favorite book. He's learning lots about our blood system, muscles, skeleton and digestive system (which is beneficial with the potty training).

In addition to all the previously mention components there is a picture of a woman who is pregnant. Today Z asked me where my baby was. I said, "I am not having another baby. I have my babies already." He looked at me and said, "But I don't want Afina." I couldn't help but laugh and then Z informed me that he didn't want anymore babies. Fine by me!

Speaking of Z - here's a picture of him about 10 minutes ago.

Here's how we got to this sweet slumber!
1.) park for an hour and a half
2.) a 3D movie with K
3.) finally two hours at the pool

Woo hoo! Sweet sleep my three year old whirling dervish!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Still here

We are still here, just been busy.
Here's what we've been doing.

Z & I continue to do puzzles -
sometimes we even do them in our skivvies (aka - undie pants!)

B & I enjoy a PB&J at swim meets. B ALMOST made his STAG times last weekend. He didn't but let's list what he did do. He was 2 seconds away from making his STAGS in the 50 freestyle, he stayed constant on his 50 Fly, he made a respectable time on his 50 breast AND he took 3 seconds off his 100 free. I was very impressed and proud of his accomplishments - I'll also remind you that this was his 1st season of Long Course!

Finally A & I really enjoyed watching Mr. Z
taking a little catnap after we went for a walk around the neighborhood.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

PT update

Last night we settled down in our yard for a nice display of fireworks when I heard a little voice say the words I've longed to hear for 6 months now, "Mommy I need to potty." Huh? What? YES! I took B in (no just kidding), I took Z in and sure enough he went potty! Double YES! This morning when we got done with our first potty break he informed me that he was a big kid and didn't wear diapers anymore and wanted some of his underwear. YES! YES! YES! So now I'm praying for a successful day - Yea Z! Good job, my little bug!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Independence Day

Jason & three of his direct descendants marched in our subdivision parade again this year! Z&A were much more into it this year, K a little less and B enjoyed riding his bike. This year they didn't have the fire truck, just a guy playing the bagpipes - which was nice. I had some fun today with A's hair - oh so cute!

Happy Independence Day!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Potty Training (revisited)

I had a phone call yesterday from my dear (brilliant) friend, Kierstyn. She and I discussed the issue of potty training my wildly happy, never stopping 3 year old. She told me about a plan where they (the child who currently is content to potty in their pants) get an M&M when they have dry pants and you set a timer (for 30 minutes - slowly upping the time) to go off and when it goes off you check the pants, dry M&M, not dry no big deal just keep trying. Then you place the child on the potty and let them sit for a minute and then off you go again on this crazy cycle. So guess what we started today - potty training my own sweet "Zacharoni" (he now calls me Mommyroni). We've had a semi-successful day, some accidents but he's much happier this time to comply with my desire for him to sit on the potty. I mean why not he's in there getting his M&M anyway! In addition we added the bonus that if he does potty he gets another M&M and a sticker (the stickers are for a great big super secret surprise - yep that's code for I don't know what he'll get yet). I'm writing this blog for prayers! Send them our way, I have high hopes because this guy is really ready for this (okay and so are we, his family)!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday to one of the most wonderful, giving women that I know. My mom is always giving to others, helping others and loving people with her whole heart. Thank you Mom for being so terrific - I love you and I hope you have a great day!

These are sort of old pictures the first one is of Mom holding and feeding Z. The last two are of Mom loving A when she first came home. I love that I have pictures like this of my Mom with all of my children.