Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I'm sorry. I owe a few people an apology for my April Fool's Day prank. In my defense I've never pulled off a prank so I really didn't expect this one to be such a success (oops I mean horribly inappropriate). Here's the true story. Jason did get asked if he'd be willing to go to Canada - he said yes, but has not heard anymore about it. We are still secretly dreaming that something will come of it, but alas no word. Today - due to my insensitive blog I found out that Markham, Ontario is about a days drive away from Erin. As you can imagine that would be much nicer for us than the current 3 day drive that we are now. So there you go - I'm sorry, my only defense is that the whole April Fool's is contagious at my house right now. K put B's swim suit in the freezer (thanks for the idea Uncle Andy) and B returned the favor by putting ALL of K's underwear and nightgowns in the freezer.
Happy April Fool's Day - Here's hoping that someday our Canada dream will be a reality and not a dream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was impressed with your blog and your ability to be so realistically creative. I am VERY happy that you are not currently moving to Canada, but I did appreciate you being able to pull one on me. And now you see what comes of lieing...may this be a lesson to your children. hehe

Love you guys,