Wednesday, April 16, 2008


This is post #200! Wow Kierstyn you created a monster when you convinced me to start blogging. I love it - couldn't tell couldya?! I actually started about a year ago and I did some figurin' in my head the other night and realized that I have been blogging on average about every other day, who knew I was such a talkative lady huh?!
I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate 200 than a montage of my babies! So enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 200th post! Yesterday I told Alexis it was starting to get hot outside to which she replied "It's hot! So we can have a pool now!" I told her not quite yet, but then she watched your montage with me. It's all over now. Guess I'll have to bust out the pool soon. Thanks a lot Ms. Sherry!! ;-)


Kierstyn said...

Yay for corrupting another friend. At least I don't send you home to your husband drunk or tattooed! :-)

Loved the montage! I was bouncing in my seat listening to the music. Super fun!

Kierstyn said...

Okay, so you post your 200th post and take a week off?

I don't think so missy!

:-) Hope to hear about Jason's Clan soon!