Sunday, January 20, 2008

Weekend Update

We had a great weekend. B celebrated his birthday this weekend with his friends, Harrison & Hank. They played, we had ice cream cake and they went to the pizza joint that we like to refer to as Chuck E. Cheese on Steroids. Woo hoo! I think a good time was had by all.

Blow B, blow!

Z had a pretty good weekend in the area of potty training. As I thought, we aren't over all the hurtles yet. We still have some learning and practicing to do.

This is Z and Jason taking turns sitting on top of each other! Silly kids!

K is now officially selling GS cookies. Um Yum!

Doesn't she look sweet? I'd buy a box from her!

A has officially discovered there are rooms other than the living room in which she can roam - eeks! Help!

Aw so sweet, can you resist that face?

Finally here's a picture of one of my favorite people doing one of the things that makes him a favorite.... playing jungle gym to my babies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love these pics, how fun are they ???? Thanks for sharing all that is happening in your life & with your family. J looks like he is really having fun too... love you all.