Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Here are some tidbits from my day.

First of all Z is doing well with the whole potty training thing... as long as I say one of the following things: "Do you need to go...?" "Is it time to...?" OR our favorite "Z it is time to..." - so I'm not entirely convinced that he's trained. I think that I AM trained! :) Oh well, it is going good and I'm so thrilled that a week ago he was doing all his stuff in a diaper and now he's doing most of his stuff in his potty (truly he's only had two accidents in the last two days).

Tonight we gave K a belated birthday present, she and I went to see Enchanted. We met Jason at the theater and he took the other three kids home while K and I stayed and had a girls night at the movies. We walked into the theater, bought our tickets and watched as the girl who sold us our tickets got on the walkie talkie and told them to start Enchanted in theater 2 - we were the ONLY ones in the theater! FUN! We got our popcorn, candy and drinks and then went to watch OUR movie. Here's my critique - this was a super fun movie but let me just say that my opinion might be skewed because I was with the sweetest, funniest and by all accounts the most terrific 8 year old girl in the whole wide world. We had a blast laughing out loud at the movie and then shushing each other. I hope that this evening was as memorable and fun for her as it was for me.

Finally, I got B a ride to swimming tonight so that I wouldn't be stressed about getting home after the movie. When I called to tell Jason, he asked in an awe-filled voice, "how do you plan all of this?" My smarty pants answer, "between bites of bon-bons!" :)

Here are a couple of pictures of that super, fantastic 8 year old I mentioned earlier opening her presents last night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

B/K happy birthday you guys. K, how cool that your mom and you were able to have your very own movie. That is a lot of fun.
