Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hi Ho Hi Ho, to the dentist we go

Today was Z's first dentist appointment! Last week when I took the big kids he went with us and was VERY interested in what was going on - SO we made Z an appointment and it went very well. I was proud of my little two year old - he listened, did what he was asked and generally just behaved like a big kid! :) The only thing he was uncomfortable with was when Mr. Daniel (our hygienist) blew up a plastic glove, Z leaned back and said, "I don't want you to do that again!" Otherwise nothing scared him and he was happy the entire time. Enjoy this little slide show.


Kierstyn said...

I love the "I don't want you to do that again." Priceless! Super cute!

Anonymous said...

I liked Z's comment, too! How neat to have these pictures of his visit to the dentist! So cute!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad he did so well! I have to tell you that Anthony is sitting in my lap while I've been checking blogs. And once we saw A's pictures he started talking up a storm and then again during the slideshow of Z. He had been pretty quiet up until then. Guess he misses you guys! ;-) See you soon.


Unknown said...

'I don't want you to do that again.' Your kids are awesome Sherry. Super cool