Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Shout Outs!

Happy Birthday, Andy (today), Bonnie (5th) and Marky Sparky Superman (11th)! I hope you all have wonderful birthday's and that no one makes fun of you because of your age. Especially Mark - he's hitting a milestone this year...

In honor of the birthday's I'm including a little Z funny to make you smile.

Today while at Bible Study my friend Rachael went up to check on our sons - they were very quiet, obviously up to something. What she found shocked her but she was very restrained in her approach - she's so calm! Z was buck naked trying to put on a Spiderman costume - sadly the costume was made for a Build-a-Bear stuffed animal so would never fit him! Ha!! Ha!! She explained this and he dressed himself, shorts inside out and on backwards, t-shirt backwards but the underwear were right - he explained to his friend (who is potty training) that you look for the tag and put it in back. Guess we need to explain that for the rest of his clothing. Poor Z - someday this will come back to haunt him!


tmn said...

Oh my, yet another Z funny.....what will he come up with next? Ha.Ha !!!!!!! He must have the biggest imagination ever of any child I have known. He is certainly going to help his friend with his potty-training !!! I love this episode and will be waiting for the next !!!!!
Happy Birthday Andy, Bonnie, and Mark....Love to all. tmn

Bonnie said...

Too funny! I saw a little kid in a t-shirt yesterday (at a puppet show at church) that said, "I'd Rather Be Naked!" Thought of Zach - ha! THAT ZACH! Thanks for the birthday wishes, Terri! Mark - Happy Birthday to you, too!