Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March Shout Out

Oops - it is the end of March and I've not done my shout outs! So without further ado:

Happy Birthday to the most wonderful man in the entire world - my hubby, my best friend and the guy that keeps me up late talking about Blues hockey and Linux distribution... JASON! Happy Belated Birthday my wonderful man! I love you!!

Happy Birthday to the greatest grandfather in the entire land - G'pa Jesse turned 89 on March 24th. I'm so blessed that I've had this amazing man in my life and when his birthday comes around I'm just reminded how lucky I am that he's been such a wise and determined spirit in my life. Happy Birthday!

Finally not really on the birthday list:
Thank you Bonnie & John for taking such wonderful care of my family while I was in Chicago. Especially thank you for: cleaning out my fridge, clean out my microwave, washing/drying clothes, putting away clothes (B indicated that Bonnie did what I do only she didn't know where everything went... ha ha), fixing my son's gymnastic goof up (he broke the towel rack doing a double back flip - ha, just kidding he was just swinging on it!), and generally keeping everything as neat and tidy as you could considering you had 4 people working against you every day, ALL day! Love you guys and appreciate you.

1 comment:

tmn said...

Jason, Happy Birthday...belated. G'pa Jess had a good b'day.Yesterday G'pa mowed his yard on the rider and is tired today, imagine that !!!
Thanks John & Bonnie for taking such good care of "our" grandchildren...they are so special!!! tmn