Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tough Love for A

Today was a rough day at our house. A had another one of her night time not sleeping bouts followed by a puke episode at childcare this morning. Needless to say I was feeling very frustrated and overwhelmed - we got home and she happily played and watched Dora, very obviously happy that she got her way (no childcare, Mommy to herself - like she doesn't get that every day!).
So here is what I did:

Tough love - today I spent the day telling her that she was going to sleep and not yell or scream when she went to bed. Every time she began a fit I said no - that isn't acceptable (in two year old words). So tonight at bedtime I read books, sang songs, kissed her and told her night night and walked out. She immediately began her tantrum, I stood out of sight and when she began to cough and gag I ran in shoved a bucket in her lap and told her to stop! She did (stop that is!). It took three times and now she's sleeping and I'm praying for a full nights sleep - but if I don't get it then I have my plan of attack. Here's what I've learned from this - she is not the same as her older brother's and sister but I am the same mother and I will continue to uphold my beliefs about fits - unacceptable.

I have some really adorable pictures to post of my little (talking) sea cucumber but those will wait for another day - for me right now it is bed time!


Unknown said...

Good for you tough mommy! I've always admired your determination in "fixing" problems. So way to work that out. I hope she slept, keep us posted! Miss you guys!

tmn said...

Way to go S. You are the greatest mom I know, and it shows in the way your children act.
Love ya !!! tmn