Friday, April 17, 2009

Banner Day

Today I received a call asking me to interview for a job at Negley - I'm super excited! After that I got another call saying that a teacher that was leaving wanted to see my resume too... two job prospects in one day!
A is doing GREAT! She's such a trooper. I've been asked to share some pictures of my little scooter (aka Mo, purple legged girl, teeny theeny, sea cucumber, cave baby).

This picture was taken right before she took a facer into the kitchen set giving herself a black eye! This girl can't win! She's getting much better at cruising furniture.

A loves to have her cast signed -
you can't tell that these two are smitten with each other can you!

Random K picture - she dressed up for an assignment.
See if you can figure out who/what she's dressed as (answer at the bottom).

Valeria Khomocova
(German female pilot during WWII)


Bonnie said...

Thanks for all the pictures and the update!! Looks like A is adjusting quite well to her purple leg! Also looks like big brother takes good care of her. Nice outfit, K - but I had to be told who you were - learned something new! Love to see new updates - I'll share with Grandpa! Love, bmg

Bonnie said...

Is that white thing the "shoe" on A's foot??

tmn said...

Hey, hey, hey...that could be a very profitable day for you, congratulations...I have a good feeling about this !!!! What sweet pics of A, she does seem to be adjusting. Thanks for sharing....
Love, tmn

Sherry said...

Yes Bon-Mom that is her shoe. She likes to take it off - velcro is so fun!

Anonymous said...

What a bummer about the cast for A. Good luck on the jobs! I am rooting for you. Not much going on here in my world. I have spent the last week plus out working making money. :-) I like K's outfit! Say hi to K, B, Z, A and Jason for me.


Unknown said...

I'll be praying for the jobs, keep me posted. And poor A, but she is so cute even with her big purple cast!