Friday, November 23, 2007

Turkey Day in slow motion

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that your Thanksgiving was as fun, enjoyable and full of love as mine. We decided to capture A's first Thanksgiving on digital camera in a play by play manner. So here it is:

B & A relaxing before breakfast

I had forgotten about the all important breakfast fun foods so we had to survive on some Honey Nut Cheerios. As you can see Jason took over that portion of the days festivities.

Max was so happy to have us home.
Here he is hanging with his favorite 6 month old.

K and I making Jason a pumpkin pie... just like his G'ma used to make (sort of, Bonnie we excluded the ginger too).

Z helping out with the can opener.

A hanging out watching the action. I had to include two pictures of this, in one you can see her cute little socks falling off and in the other she's sticking out her tongue at Daddy.

Since I bought my (frozen) turkey the night before Thanksgiving we had to defrost it in the bath tub. Due to this we didn't have our meal until dinner but I started baking in the morning and got really bored around noon - so we made sugar cookies! Um Yum!!! K&Z enjoying the beaters - although Z will tell you "I not eating beaters."

Here are my two pies. I did not make the crust like my G'ma used to, but K & I made the pumpkin pie and I bought a really cool jar of pecan pie stuff and you just have to add eggs and butter - it was DELICIOUS! My family will attest to my first attempt at a pecan pie and why I didn't attempt that again on my own. (For those of you who don't know the story it was a faux pecan pie made with pinto beans - I made it about 18 years ago so no mean comments allowed, it was when I was young and dumb.)

Here I am acting like a complete imbecile - but the turkey looks good, right?!

My constant companion during this Thanksgiving adventure. What a true loyal friend I have... in Max! :)

Here we are my babies (excluding the one taking an evening nap) with our Thanksgiving feast.

Just a cute picture of my little two year old.

A woke up almost as soon as I was done eating and said, "tators please." Don't you love the little potato mustache?

Finally we ended our day with a little holiday movie, Christmas Vacation - oh how my mind is slipping. It is rated PG13 for a reason.... we watched it last year and I said the same thing. Maybe next year I will remember!

Mixed up in this day were phone calls to our loved ones and lots of love. I have to say that I missed my G'pa Jess, Mom, Dad, Debbie, Michael, Mark, Cheryl, Shawn and last but NOT least Justin, it wasn't the same without them all. But just like the old saying goes, if life hands you lemons make lemonade - so that is just what we did and it was GOOD.


Unknown said...

Christmas Vacation...Haha. That is a good movie. I think I remember watching that movie one year with you and your kids and hearing you give the same remark.

Those are some great pictures. I really like the ones of A my neice and of M the dog. (Like the obfuscation of the dogs name? Hehe, I feel so sneaky.)

Unknown said...

Sherry, I really like your pictures! Did I tell you that already? It makes me happy to see you with such a smile. A has a really bemused look on her face. It makes me want to say: "Yes, A, I agree, Thanksgiving is a very bizzare holiday!"