Sunday, November 18, 2007

For Uncle Scoot & a weekend update

Uncle Scoot requested to see pictures of the older kids. Sadly, they are not as easy to get pictures of these days since they are at school all day... so I have to request photo ops with them and sometimes they are not that excited about the prospect. But here are a couple of recent pictures of my sweet babies, B&K:

Sweet K is always willing to play with her siblings and
a cute picture of her warming up on the couch.
My conquering hero! B after his second swim meet.

Now for the official weekend update. K had her first sleepover birthday party on Friday night. She had a great time and had a lovely shade of blue finger nail polish to show for her time there. On Saturday, after picking K up, we headed to Hippy-Dippy Land. I accidentally got my family there an hour early - oops! B participated in the 100 yard backstroke, 50 yard breast stroke and 100 yard freestyle, of the ones that he had recorded times for he improved his time by 3 to 5 seconds - which we all agreed was great! Jason tried to encourage B by telling him about the stag times that he needed to achieve in order to participate in the championships in the spring and apparently told him he had a long way to go. B's response was, "way to be encouraging Dad!"
Sunday we opted for splitting up the family, one day of chasing a two year old around on concrete steps is sufficient - trust me on this one! So today B&A and I headed to town again, K went to church with some friends and Z & Jason attempted a new Toy Story watching record... 7 times in one day! They got to four! Today B swam the 50 yard free style, 50 yard backstroke and my personal favorite the 100 yard IM (individual medley) - again he shaved seconds off of his times and is only about 10 seconds from making his stag times in some of the events. I really enjoy this sport! Today I was encouraging B and telling him how great it was to have improved by seconds (I know that seems weird) and B looked at me and said, "Thanks Mom, for not being like Dad." I couldn't help but chuckle at that! Woo hoo - I'm not the bad guy this time!!
Tonight we are going to go to a church dinner, I'm sure that will be fun and then we will begin to plan for our Thanksgiving holiday.
I have so much to be thankful for and counting you as friends is one of those things!
Happy Thanksgiving!


Kierstyn said...

I love the part about K's blue finger nails. Super cute!

sounds like another busy weekend for Jason's Clan.

Unknown said...

K, it is great you had a good time at your first sleep over. B, you rock dude. I found swimming to be a lot of fun when I was your age too! Good job on doing so well.