Sunday, June 10, 2007

I love my family

We were thrilled to have Aunt Erin come and visit us from Massachusetts. I think she really came to practice her parenting skills on BKZA since she is expecting her first baby in October. We were all thrilled to see her, enjoyed the many cravings and food choices that expectant mothers enjoy... since we felt it was only right to partake with her. So we had donuts for our elevenses (Hobbits or Lord of the Ring fans will understand that word), then we went out for Culver's hamburgers and frozen custard for lunch, we had a wonderful dinner of grilled turkey burgers for dinner prepared by my sweet B and finally we had my birthday cake for dessert (I made my grandma's pudding cake - which I LOVE!). Then on Saturday we had goop bread, kind of like cinnamon rolls only a yummier, then for lunch we ate BBQ at a local restaurant (Salt Lick -Brad & Laura is that the one you all told me about?) and then had cheese and chocolate fun-do (that is fondue for those that don't know) for dinner. Um - yum!
Needless to say Jason and I are really ready to get back on our diets now! That is of course until the next group of family comes to visit... why is food such an entertainment to us?
Yesterday we enjoyed our first family event here in our new subdivision. They had Family Fishing at the pond so we went. Erin stayed home with A (I thought the heat would be too much for her) and Jason and I took BKZ to go fishing. We had a good time, but I missed seeing the only fish being caught, I was with Z getting drinks. Here is what happened. K, with Daddy's help, cast her line and got a nibble. She was so excited that she yanked the fishing pole so hard that the fish and line went flying behind her, over the path and into the grass on the other side, with such force that the teeny, tiny fish flew off the hook. A man assisting the fishermen/women came over picked up the fish and handed it to her so that she could get her picture taken (I'm not sure by who) and then was instructed to toss the poor fish back into the pond. So K threw the fish, as if it were a football right into the ground in front of her. Jason then picked it up and gingerly placed it back into the water, he said later he thought he saw it swimming a little confused around other lines, poor little fish had no idea the strength of that girl!
It was a really good weekend. No I'm not completely unpacked, however today I took all the "donation" boxes out to the garage so I may be able to actually arrange my living room so that the couch is against a wall and the chairs aren't just sitting willy nilly in the living room. Also, since Erin was here we cleared a path in A's room so she may be moving into her own room in the next day or two as well.
I'm going to put some pictures up for you all to see.

K&Z's room is the only one that is box free now (Z's little bed is on the left).

Our fishing trip.

Z showing us what he looks like after eating his donut.

B was showing K how easy it was to ride a bike and I couldn't resist a picture of a kid with a mohawk on a pink Barbie bike!

A with Aunt Erin

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