Saturday, June 30, 2007
They both swam great and tried hard - I couldn't and wouldn't have asked for more. At one point I had to run home and feed A. While I was here Jason and I noticed the most peculiar thing, Z with his shirt up and baby bear hugged up close, when we asked what he was doing he said, "feeding baby bear." Well of course we couldn't resist this picture (Jason is wondering what Mark will say about this). I thought it was very sweet.
Here are the results we know as of today:
K came in 7th in one of her events but was disqualified from several for illegal moves - i.e. she used the wrong stroke or kick or a combination of the two. She had a good time and swam her best and that is what counts!
B came in 1st for the 100 yard Individual Medley, 2nd in the 25 yard freestyle and 3rd in the 25 yard breaststroke. I'm not sure what happened to the other three he swam in but I do know one was a relay and his group was disqualified.
Again we had a great time and now we are going to relax the rest of the day.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Ten Things
Ten things I love about B (age 9):
1.) His great sense of humor
2.) He always knows how I’m feeling even when I wish no one did
3.) He is an awesome athlete who amazes me at his flexibility and diverse abilities
4.) The way he talks to his brother and sisters
5.) His beautiful blue eyes
6.) His caring nature toward all people (not so much toward bugs)
7.) His laugh
8.) How brave he is in new situations
9.) His hugs!
10.) His curiosity
Ten things I love about K (age 7):
1.) The way her nose flares when she’s laughing really hard
2.) Her willingness to do anything you ask with a smile
3.) The look she gives me when I tell her to stop whining
4.) K logic – I can’t ride my bike because my nose feels funny (I made that one up but hers are like that)
5.) The way she kisses her little brother and sister
6.) The way she reminds me of myself when I always wanted what my big brother had
7.) Her hair when it is brushed
8.) Her easy-going spirit
9.) How she taught herself to ride a bike
10.) Her silly smile when she realizes she just said or did something silly
Ten things I love about Z (age 2):
1.) His face when he’s sleeping
2.) The way he wants me to hold him when he wakes up from nap
3.) Hearing him talking in the morning before he gets out of bed
4.) Watching him give kisses at bedtime
5.) Listening to him learn to talk, I love how he repeats what we all say in such an innocent voice
6.) Hearing him sing, “Golden thinking chhhair!”
7.) When he says, “I hold her,” several times over and then holds A for less than 5 seconds
8.) He’s so honest. When I ask are you messing up your brothers Legos? He will answer very honestly, “yes.”
9.) His giggle
10.) “I want up!”
Ten things I love about A (age 6 weeks):
1.) Her smell
2.) Her smile
3.) Her coos & giggles (breathy little noises)
4.) Her silly middle toe (better known as the forgotten toe)
5.) The way she sleeps so well
6.) Her hand when she’s nursing – fingers flared out
7.) The noises that she makes when she’s nursing – very noisy eater
8.) Her faux-hawk
9.) Her sweet little nose – if you touch it sometimes she will smile
10.) Her wide eyes
B is home
We went back to CS on Monday so I could see my doctor (all's well). I farmed out all of my kids except A who accompanied me to the doctor. K went to my friend Shelley's and played with Samuel and Z went to my friend Christi's to play with Alexis. Thank you all for your hospitality! It was a busy day but it was good to see everyone and now I'm trying to figure out when we can go again.
I knew staying home was going to be a lot of work but I'm still amazed at how busy I am as a stay at home mom. Yesterday we did a lot of running around, B lost his goggles at the river so we had to get him some new ones for swim team and I needed to do some grocery shopping. We were out all morning and didn't get home until it was time for lunch and naps. Today is laundry day so we've been busy with that. Now that we are all home all day the house is in a constant wreck - it has that lived in look! So I feel like the energizer bunny when it comes to cleaning the kitchen and picking up stuff (burp rags, notebooks and balls oh my!). Z got a new ball pit and he loves it and actually does a good job of picking up most of the balls but there always seems to be a stray one here and ther.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Captain Joe
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
So here's the latest with Jason's Clan:
B is still doing swimming, although he has not competed yet - we've had prior arrangements every weekend since he started and this weekend they are at tu and they (tu) created some rule about not allowing anyone to compete if they haven't competed twice during this summer - hmmm.. sounds like they know an Aggie has joined the ranks and they are scared!!
K has successfully taught herself how to ride a bike! Poor second child. Once she did that we realized that her bike was too small for her, so we are in the process of getting her a new bike, she's very excited about the prospect of riding her bike to school. K has also decided to join the swim team. She will go this evening to try out. She'll do fine and I'm looking forward to her getting to practice her swimming twice a week.
Z is the same wonderful little two year old! Okay, let's face it, when I'm trying to get him to take a nap I suspicion that he is a monster but I know better for many reasons:
He says, "Thank you Mommy!" in the cutest voice I've ever heard and he says it without prompting most of the time.
He kisses A with such tenderness that it makes my heart melt.
He always wants to hold A (granted it is for about 3 seconds) but it is so sweet.
He gives kisses and hugs every night to all his siblings and whatever part of Mommy & Daddy he can reach, most of the time our thighs (if the other parent isn't holding him).
If he doesn't get a nap it takes about 1 minute in the car to knock him out and then what a sight to behold he is, those sweet little cheeks, blond hair and eyelashes gently closed over those bright blue eyes - he is so precious at those moments that you know he's no monster, just completely misguided in the area of naps.
A - what can I say about A. She's smiling now and can sleep through anything - Thank you Lord!
Jason likes his job. He's currently not very busy and that doesn't sit well with him. He's a good worker bee and doesn't do well with idle time.
My friends Kierstyn and Shelley have put videos on their blogs. They are amazing! Yet one more thing for me to strive to do, here's hoping I can figure that out! BKZ could sit and watch those videos all day!! Thank you ladies! :)
Until then, here's a couple more pictures...
Friday, June 15, 2007
A sleeps
B&K are doing math and reading work this summer. We have a program set up that they are really enthusiastic about, here it how it works. They do a lesson in a math book that we bought them or a reading lesson and when they are done to my satisfaction they draw a card from a deck of playing cards, this tells them how many points they got for doing their lesson. We add the points up and Jason and I have predetermined rewards. For example: 50 points and they can buy a candy bar or gum at the store, 100 points they can buy a lunchable, 250 points they can buy a new book, or 400 points they can get a new toy. Yesterday they were so excited about it that they both did two lessons (I had to put a maximum on the lessons so I don't run out of work).
Today we are going to go get B's friend so that he can stay the night.
Here are some pictures of my little sweeties - you can see who the sleepy heads are and who is up causing havoc around the house in the morning.
Finally this is an image I want to keep forever in my mind. I love the way A flexes her fingers while she's eating. It reminds me of how K used to rotate her feet in a circle when she ate. I love these sweet little idiosyncrasies. A also has a toe that I want to get a picture of and show you. More about that later.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Hi ho, hi ho
This week has been uneventful for us (with the exception of our doctor's appointment today) so far, tomorrow I'm taking all the kids with me and we are getting the oil changed on the van - hope they can work fast! Then Friday B's friend, Harrison is coming over for the night. That should be fun.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Jason's dream realized...
Sunday, June 10, 2007
I love my family
Needless to say Jason and I are really ready to get back on our diets now! That is of course until the next group of family comes to visit... why is food such an entertainment to us?
Yesterday we enjoyed our first family event here in our new subdivision. They had Family Fishing at the pond so we went. Erin stayed home with A (I thought the heat would be too much for her) and Jason and I took BKZ to go fishing. We had a good time, but I missed seeing the only fish being caught, I was with Z getting drinks. Here is what happened. K, with Daddy's help, cast her line and got a nibble. She was so excited that she yanked the fishing pole so hard that the fish and line went flying behind her, over the path and into the grass on the other side, with such force that the teeny, tiny fish flew off the hook. A man assisting the fishermen/women came over picked up the fish and handed it to her so that she could get her picture taken (I'm not sure by who) and then was instructed to toss the poor fish back into the pond. So K threw the fish, as if it were a football right into the ground in front of her. Jason then picked it up and gingerly placed it back into the water, he said later he thought he saw it swimming a little confused around other lines, poor little fish had no idea the strength of that girl!
It was a really good weekend. No I'm not completely unpacked, however today I took all the "donation" boxes out to the garage so I may be able to actually arrange my living room so that the couch is against a wall and the chairs aren't just sitting willy nilly in the living room. Also, since Erin was here we cleared a path in A's room so she may be moving into her own room in the next day or two as well.
I'm going to put some pictures up for you all to see.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Swim Team
K has pink eye -so we took another trip to the dr. today. Last week we were there because A's umbilical cord hadn't fallen off (all is well - it has now). K was very unhappy today since I quarantined her from her brothers and sister and those are her favorite things to play with. When I told Z that K was going to the doctor his response was something like this, "K doctor, hurt? Ha ha!" I'm not sure what that means... but it was funny anyway.
Z has been doing better with his naps. Last weekend Jason made him close his eyes and told him not to open them at nap time so I've been following suit and it is working. Z will get into bed and I will ask him what he needs to do and he said, "Close eyes." And then that is exactly what he'll do, close them real tight!
Jason is sick - he has a cold. So I guess me being here hasn't helped him that much. Ha ha! He says he sleeps so much better, I'm not sure how. I sure would sleep great if they all left me for the night... tee hee.
I had a great time tonight watching B and reading a magazine, but I missed my ComGroup - Daniel & Kimie I'm sorry I couldn't be there to see you! Love you all so much and miss your smiling faces!
Can't wait to see Erin - she will be in tomorrow night. We have lots of fun food planned to help with her pregnancy cravings. I may not be pregnant anymore but I can have empathy for those cravings!
Here's a pic of Z with his brothers swim cap on - so cute!
Monday, June 4, 2007
Miss Me?
I get up at around 7am and get a quick shower.
We eat breakfast.
A eats.
We walk to the park (trying to meet kids and people - no luck yet).
We come home play outside a little while.
Watch The Price is Right.
Play, feed A, play, watch TV, read a book or two.
I fix lunch (I'm working on healthy lunches... takes a little more work than a sandwich and chips).
We eat lunch.
Naptime (we are trying to convince Z&A that they need naps at the same time).
Snacktime when the babies wake up.
Play inside or outside, depending on how hot it is.
Fix dinner & wait for Jason to come home.
Now in all that convoluted mess I'm trying very hard to unpack boxes, keep the house clean and do laundry. I have to say that laundry is much easier as a stay at home mom, I usually do a load or two a day and then it isn't all waiting for me on Saturday morning.
This weekend we went to church at Fellowship of Plum Creek, the kids seemed to like it and I thought it was good. A lady, named Keri sat with me, which I thought was very nice and one of my big complaints about some of the churches in CS, I always felt like a leper because no one would sit by me (even after I tried Sunday school and Bible Study), really I took my weekly bath every Sunday morning (ha ha). We will go back next Sunday as a family and join the kick off for the Vacation Bible School, which is next week.
I have thought of many miscellaneous things to tell you all but I am not sure how to put them in an email or blog so I'm just going to list them here.
Z thinks that his little sister broke her belly button... when the umbilical cord finally fell off he looked at her with such a distressed look and said, "It's broken!"
B is doing swim club on Tuesday and Thursday evening. I met a few ladies there... so that was good, one of them I ran into at church too. Everyone I've talked to loves Plum Creek which is a plus. Finally, B decided to taken a fashion stand this summer and we allowed it because we knew all the grandmas would love this... check out the picture below.
Much love to everyone!