My favorite MIL (mother-in-law) has reminded me that I have neglected you, my loyal reader. So here's the cliff notes of life in Hippy Dippy Land.
BKZ all got flu shots today.
Jason, Z, A & I all have colds - miserable.
A likes ketchup on her crayons, scissor cap and colored pencils (note to self: never leave coloring supplies on the table with A while she's eating. Thankfully I think she was just double dipping and sucking the ketchup off the items but yuck just the same!
I'm now CPR certified (again) and also first aid certified - thanks to Girl Scouts. That's also why I was out of my house ALL weekend (Saturday 9-4).
K and I get to go to GS camp in November - cabin camping, do I hear a YES!
B had a swim meet Friday & Saturday - yep I double booked on Saturday. Thank God for good friends.
Z thinks Thomas the Tank Engine video games are the "old" ones that Daddy used to play on his computer.
Here's some pictures, do cliff notes usually have pictures?

My little Z man can really put together an outfit!

A really gets INTO playing.
Poor girl her Mommy was just laughed and took pictures even though she was stuck.

Z&A's buddy Emma came over to play and mess with the caterpillars.

Friday night K&Z went to watch big brother B swim.

Of course there's a picture of B swimming - the best picture I could get - notice he's underwater!
Finally my favorite picture (this week)!

After the swim meet Z decided to have a "sleepover" in B's room.
Apparently Max wasn't too pleased that his nice comfortable bed was replaced with this squirmy, lumpy blanket/kid.