Monday, September 29, 2008

Whatever happened?

I'm a blogger - through and through - every time something happens I think, "oh I need to blog that!" Sadly, my time on the computer is absorbed lately with other matters. When I'm not on the computer I'm doing all those other things that I do, cleaning house, changing diapers, emptying chamber pots, oh yea and trying to sew a Harry Potter costume (almost done!).

I'm short on pictures this week but I can give you the scoop on what's happening around here.

B has gone to Outdoor Learning Camp. Every year the 5th graders go for three days and two nights to this camp and they do team building activities as well as learning activities - cooking with a dutch oven, fishing, orienteering, etc. I'm so excited for him even though I'm going to miss his stinky self!

K is busy with Girl Scouts, friends and keeping up with homework. We've had a couple of problems with completing assignments over the weekend but she's on the mark now. I have found that K is the child I have the hardest time spending time with - not because she smells bad or I don't want to spend time with her. Mainly because she's quiet and such an easy going soul. I have started a new plan - every night when I put her to bed I sit and talk to her for a little while. This helps us to touch base and be sure that we are talking about all that is happening in her life. I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner!

Z is potty trained! He only has accidents with Daddy and that's Daddy's fault. hee hee! Z continues to be my little maniac. He's so busy! Right now he's wearing my favorite shirt (his VBS shirt) - on the back it says "Powered By God!" I LOVE it because only God could provide that much energy and I tell Z so! Today I took him and A to a gymnastics facility and they played and played and played! For $7 we spent an hour and a half running, climbing, jumping, bouncing and exploring - well worth the $ - I'm putting that on the budget to do each week!!

A is learning lots. Since our dr. appt. - when they told us to start working on her vocabulary more - Jason and I have been pointing and naming everything. A's just soaking it up. Sometimes she will try to repeat what we say, but mostly she just points at whatever we've said - as if to say, "it's right there you goobers, why do you keep repeating yourselves?"

My job is great - I love the work that I do. It's like teaching one class a week, love it!

Last but not least, I found a couple of pictures that I thought I'd share. This is what happens to Daddy's oatmeal if he leaves it too close to the edge of the table.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

SDC picture

As I mentioned in my MO Trip Part II the kids and I went to Silver Dollar City. Part of the deal was that I would not bring my camera and we would just have fun... but even my photo-phobic son, B couldn't resist this picture.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The weekend in pictures

So here is what we/I did this weekend...

B did some cooking

B did some woodwork - with a little help from friends

K was taken for a ride by A

Z went for a ride on his trike

I'm re-learning to sew - this is B's Harry Potter costume

Max played with the kids and their chalk

A found her belly button - how exciting!

A discovered the joys of static electricity

Oh yea and A showed us a little of her temper!!

I hope everyone had a good weekend too!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Erin

Today is my sister's birthday. For those of you who didn't know I had a sister (mom - you have some explaining to do... hee hee) - I do! Her name is Erin and biologically she is Jason's sister but she likes me better. tee hee
Erin we love you and hope that you have a fantastic day!!!!

This is Erin with my other very handsome nephew.
(Hey I'm really lacking in the niece category!)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

More Justin

Here's the picture I was thinking about for Justin on his birthday. This is actually both of Mark's boys - aren't they handsome?! They must have an overabundance of Cheryl's genes. hee hee

Shawn & Justin

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Justin!

Today is my nephew Justin's birthday. I have several really great recent pictures that Cheryl sent me (but I'm unable to get to them because my engi-nerd is messing with my computer) and I will put those up another day. Think of it as making your birthday last longer. Anyway until then here is a great picture of Justin and one of the reasons I love him so much. He is an awesome older cousin, B&K especially think he is SO cool!

Happy Birthday Justin I hope your day is great!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Daddy's Girl

Here's the video I took to go along with messy Daddy's girl. We had BBQ last week - um yum!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Our latest news

Kind of boring but here it is:
We are all well in Hippy Dippy Land. I have been very busy with my new "jobs." I love the work that I'm doing with The Journey UMC, it is educational and keeps me feeling like a teacher. My other job is doing childcare at a local church and I will admit it isn't horrible, I know now that I didn't appreciate childcare enough before I began this job. I could honestly go the rest of my life and not wipe another person's nose or behind and be completely happy. Maybe it is just me but it doesn't really bother me as much when I'm "wiping" my own kids. Actually that isn't the worst part of the job - the crying and being unable to comfort is the hardest part for me. As mommy I'm usually able to comfort tears of sadness but I'm not mommy to these kids so I don't fit the bill. It just makes me sad. B's swimming two mornings a week (5:30am people! He's amazing.), K's enjoying girl scouts and playing with friends, Z - you'll see his latest news in just a minute and A is her loud happy self.
Here's the pictures:

We found a stick bug on the house - so cool.

My little Z before his make over - playing with A and her baby doll.

My little Z's new look. (I can explain...)

A loves her babies and she likes wearing this little baby backpack
(at least for a little while)

I cleaned K's room (I want to live in here!)

I bet Mozart didn't have to use laundry baskets,
bet his parents cared enough to make him a chair.

Daddy's girl - messy but still Daddy's... yes!

I can explain Z's hair. I was thinking 3 on the clippers and totally neglected to mention that they use scissors on top so the lady (after checking with me at least twice) shaved the middle of my baby's head. I didn't audibly gasp but I know my heart did a little flip when I realized my error. Oh well it's hair - it will grow back. Until then he's still so cute and now his little head is so fun to rub.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Safe & Dry

Just to update you all. Ike completely missed us. I have had a few people ask if we were doing okay and wanted to let everyone know that we aren't the ones to worry about - all of our friend and family got it worse than us! Every place that we have family and friends - Houston, College Station, Arkansas & Missouri - got more rain and wind than us. I admit that I was a little disappointed not to get ANY rain but I'm glad that we didn't have any damage as well. So please know that we've been thinking of all of you - loved ones in Ike's path. Take care and check in when you can!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My fil is brilliant!

So what that he's my all time favorite father-in-law, he's also brilliant, and by that I mean highly intelligent. Don't worry his head won't swell too much (get it John? hee hee).
Here's why he's so bright. He taught me how to run. I know you would think that was something I would have learned years (and years) ago but apparently I didn't. John taught me to keep a cadence and it would control my running and my breathing and he was right! Last night I went running (for the first time since my MO trip) and I was terrified I'd be pathetic, heaving my chicken dinner, breathing like a crazy woman - you get the picture. Nope I spent the whole night saying, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4... I think you get it. I ran over a half mile without stopping and was able to that several times so that in the end I did about 3 miles. Our lesson last night didn't require me to run distance, just time and I was so thrilled that I never had to stop running. Here's my new goal - I'm going to run a 5K without walking! I'm excited about this new adventure and so thrilled that my fil is so knowledgeable. Thanks John for the advice!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

August 23rd

I know that I'm not the worst daughter on the face of the earth but I think I may be very close. I missed my Dad's birthday!! August 23rd (the Saturday after I got home from my MO trip) marked a day of celebration for my old pop and I missed it on the blog. I have been very good about documenting these important family milestones - oops!


This is one of my favorite pictures of Dad & Judy-Mom. We celebrated Christmas 2003 with them and went on a Texas-style hay ride. So much fun!

This guy cracks me up!

Z is currently the house comedian. I think A might be coming into her own comedic genius soon but for now Z has us all in stitches.

#1 Yesterday I tried to convince Z he wanted a smaller treat after having a BM, his response was, "I pooped on the potty for THAT treat!" Needless to say he got his treat.

#2 Today I left him at the pool with my friend Nicole and when she brought him home he looked at me and said, "Mommy YOU left me at the pool!" I tried to explain that I left him with Nicole but I couldn't convince him, he was adamant that I left him at the pool completely alone in the world - poor Z!

#3 Last but not least - pictorial evidence of my little hoot. Here he is just minutes after I gave him a bath. (Oh and doesn't he look cute in his little Mickey Mouse tighties?)

Aw - a moment of peace. This was this weekend, Z&K had a little bonding time and camped out in the living room.