Monday, September 22, 2008

The weekend in pictures

So here is what we/I did this weekend...

B did some cooking

B did some woodwork - with a little help from friends

K was taken for a ride by A

Z went for a ride on his trike

I'm re-learning to sew - this is B's Harry Potter costume

Max played with the kids and their chalk

A found her belly button - how exciting!

A discovered the joys of static electricity

Oh yea and A showed us a little of her temper!!

I hope everyone had a good weekend too!


Christi said...

I've had weekends like A's. ;-) I love the cooking picture! Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Looks like B is definately multi-talented. Aren't A & K in the wrong place ??
I love the "finding the belly button pic, how cute.
The temper, is that really sweet little A ?????
Love, tmn