Sunday, September 14, 2008

Safe & Dry

Just to update you all. Ike completely missed us. I have had a few people ask if we were doing okay and wanted to let everyone know that we aren't the ones to worry about - all of our friend and family got it worse than us! Every place that we have family and friends - Houston, College Station, Arkansas & Missouri - got more rain and wind than us. I admit that I was a little disappointed not to get ANY rain but I'm glad that we didn't have any damage as well. So please know that we've been thinking of all of you - loved ones in Ike's path. Take care and check in when you can!


Kierstyn said...

This is the Krajca check in. We are alive, well, and have NO damage! Praise God.

So, how's life?

Christi said...

Thanks for the prayers! We are great and just sitting on some puddles of water. :-)

Sherry said...

Strike that we have loved ones in other places (say Massachusetts) and I don't think they got any rain from Ike - correct me if I'm wrong.