Friday, March 14, 2008


We went to the rodeo or as Z says, "rode-ro" today!
Yee Ha! We saw cows, horses, bunnies, sheep, goats, deer, long horns, and tractors. That's just to name a few ... it was a hot (mid 80's) and busy day.
We went with my friend Rachael & her son, as well as some of Rachael's family - that made the day much more bearable in the crowds.
The kids were a dream, just like they were on Tuesday when we went to the zoo. I can't brag on them enough, B&K helped with the babies and stayed close to me. Wonderful!!! Thank you B&K!
First here's a couple of pictures that I took before our rodeo trip.

K showing A the finer points of horseback riding (or should I say lion riding?)

Z fell in the mud - I'm sure his daddy thinks I probably made a mud hole and pushed him in but honest, he fell in on his own, I wasn't even close to him!

Now here's the rode-ro montage for you. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the music...yee haw! ;-) Looks like you guys had fun. I wish we were closer so we could do stuff like that together, but I'm glad I get to see it in pictures. Miss y'all!
