Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Leave this house!

KZA all have developed their daddy's cold! It's not pretty, they all have fever and a cough. They are just miserable and I wish there was something I could do. However, I am so thankful for their resilience - the ibuprofen or acetaminophen kicks in and they are up and about again.

Here's the pictures I promised.

the shelves

the paint colors, my disarray and sleeping K (the ibuprofen wore off!)

Z with his "eigo" puzzle (my white board in the background)

Last - A with a cheerio on her face. Love the expression.
This was before the cold kicked her tush!


Anonymous said...

I hope that your whole family gets well soon. I, too, have had a cold for about a week. Rob

Anonymous said...

Sorry you have sick kiddos! I hope everyone feels better soon and that you and B avoid it!


Anonymous said...

I know how hard this week has been for you and the rest of your family, hopefully all will be better veryy soon. Pics of the paint job look good and J's shelves...I like of Z and A, how adorable, Z is really into his puzzle, and how about that cheerio. Hope you & B are OK.