Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A loose tooth?

Today we went to get one of K's teeth extracted. My basic understanding is that this tooth needs to come out so that her permanent teeth will move over and sit in their correct places.

Jason met me up at the dental office and sat in the van with the other kids, since we do create quite a crowd when we go most places. K and I went in, met the doctor and he described to K what he'd be doing and commented on how brave our sweet K is. I noticed that when he was describing what he'd be doing he kept pointing to her right side. Due to this when the hygienist came in I confirmed that it was the left tooth that he'd be removing and he double checked the papers from the orthodontist and assured me that was correct. We switched rooms and I was standing behind the chair trying to watch but stay out of the way. As I was leaning over I noticed that the oral surgeon was numbing the right side of K's mouth. Every fiber in my body wanted to yell but I didn't want to scare K or be presumptuous, until I saw him start to loosen the right tooth! At that point I said, "I'm not trying to be rude but I thought that it was supposed to be her left tooth that was coming out." Thankfully the doctor was very kind, stopped and double checked. Sure enough it was supposed to be the left so he had to re-numb her on the left and extract that tooth - all the while grumbling that he didn't see why they wanted that tooth out. So we have had an experience where we should have marked K's tooth with an x so that we were sure to get the correct one! Eeks!
Here's a picture of our brave girl with her tooth! As you can see the expander is working, the gap between her front teeth has gotten much more pronounced and they'll be putting four little braces on those top teeth once the other two come in. Sweet K - she was so brave during the entire thing so she had an ice cream sundae for lunch!


Kierstyn said...

YIKES! What a nightmare!

Way to go K!!! You are such a brave girl.

Anonymous said...

What a brave & good grand-daughter I have, I am soooo proud of her. I think she already knows that don't you K ????? S, you must speak up, I am proud of you too. Believe me, docs, & dentists can get distracted and think one thing and do something else...Bless you for saying what you did, and so diplomatic....
K, I hope you enjoyed that sundae !!!
Love to all,

Vicki said...

you're such a calm, collected mom! i get hysterical at things like that- and then feel like an idiot afterwards (depending at the size of the hissyfit!)
glad you were there to save from 2 tooth extractions!!