Sunday, December 19, 2010
Cleaning Can be...
I happily accepted the job of sorting through my grandpa and grandma's papers, cards, newspaper clippings and pictures. As you can imagine this trip down memory lane is sometimes confusing, sometimes sad and sometimes joyful. But this particular item made me laugh out loud and it was so fitting for the season. I suppose if this is what it was like in 1964 we have no hope at all in 2010!

Thursday, December 9, 2010
My beautiful family!
Muddy Christmas!
and that the true meaning of Christmas is "CLEAR" to you!
Love, Jason's Clan
Love, Jason's Clan
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Sneak Peek
My very talented friend, Rachael, took some awesome pictures of my family again this year. I am so blessed to have her in my life for many reasons but her talent is truly unmatched and I'm so appreciative! Thank you Rachael - these are awesome!

Okay folks - that is all you get until you are either blessed with a Christmas card or a family calendar. Hope you enjoy!
Okay folks - that is all you get until you are either blessed with a Christmas card or a family calendar. Hope you enjoy!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Random Pictures
Smack words! We used to call them popcorn words but Z wasn't getting enough practice so a friend suggested that we put them on the door give Z the fly swatter and let him go to town spelling and identifying words - it WORKS!
Crowe's Nest Farm - I got to go on Z's field trip and had a wonderful time. This picture is Z running the maze.
Z enjoyed using my camera to capture some pictures - this is him catching his favorite chaperon.
Cute little posed picture of Z.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Pumpkin Hunting!
All the crazy animals!!! (Love Z's pose!)

Today was Pumpkin Hunting 2010!
We were very successful this year! We heard about a great place in Medina, TX (a bit of a drive but supposed to be great). We were pleasantly surprised, NOT Ekert's, but had some fun stuff. This fall tradition has been happening for years. As I described in my Fall 2008 post we are not "traditional" hunters - we like to hunt inanimate objects, pumpkins being one of our favorites! Today we got to see some more dirt play, just like in Fall 2009. I've also included our Fall 2007 pictures so you can see how much the kids have changed. Enjoy!Wednesday, October 6, 2010
This was my second year at OLC (Outdoor Learning Camp) but it was my personal best because my favorite 10 year old was there with me! I love that K girl!!! Since I found out about OLC I've been looking forward to being a chaperon in K's cabin - I got to be a chaperon and see her all day (teacher bonus!)! I tried not to make contact unless she did but it was so sweet when she did come and find me. Here are some of the shots that I got of her, when she made time to come visit:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Where is a camera when you need one?
Today we went to pick B up at school but he was still at cross country practice so we (ZA & I) decided that there might be some bad guys over by the bleachers. Apparently there were several and Z&A were doing a fine job of taking care of them when Z made a decision to attack some that had retreated below the bleachers. (FYI we are in the midst of pretend play, in case you haven't figured that out yet) So he proceeded to find a good spot to jump off the side, not too high but he did it before I could say, "BAD idea Z!" Before I knew it, monkey see, monkey do and there is A hanging from the railing of the bleachers yelling! To ease all the minds of the G'ma's out there it wasn't that high up, maybe 4 feet (but when you are only 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall that is pretty high!) I ran down the bleachers grabbed her up and complimented her on her upper body strength - she held on long enough for her old mom to run down the bleachers and I couldn't shake the image of the poster with the cat hanging from a branch with the quote, "hang in there baby!" No body was hurt, Z stopped jumping but was very successful in eradicating all the bad guys from the bleachers and we had fun playing outside!
Remember that I reserve the right to have run on sentences and grammatical errors in all of my blogging so enjoy the story and no teacher critique!
Today we went to pick B up at school but he was still at cross country practice so we (ZA & I) decided that there might be some bad guys over by the bleachers. Apparently there were several and Z&A were doing a fine job of taking care of them when Z made a decision to attack some that had retreated below the bleachers. (FYI we are in the midst of pretend play, in case you haven't figured that out yet) So he proceeded to find a good spot to jump off the side, not too high but he did it before I could say, "BAD idea Z!" Before I knew it, monkey see, monkey do and there is A hanging from the railing of the bleachers yelling! To ease all the minds of the G'ma's out there it wasn't that high up, maybe 4 feet (but when you are only 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall that is pretty high!) I ran down the bleachers grabbed her up and complimented her on her upper body strength - she held on long enough for her old mom to run down the bleachers and I couldn't shake the image of the poster with the cat hanging from a branch with the quote, "hang in there baby!" No body was hurt, Z stopped jumping but was very successful in eradicating all the bad guys from the bleachers and we had fun playing outside!
Remember that I reserve the right to have run on sentences and grammatical errors in all of my blogging so enjoy the story and no teacher critique!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
SYTYCD & Other News
So You Think You Can DANCE!? (nope!) I don't but I think that K & I LOVE to watch SYTYCD! Whoop! About 2 months ago I saw that the tickets were on sale and that they were going to be in Houston and I "thunk" to myself - oooh we have a "Motel 6" (actually 2) in Houston - aka Casa Dad & Judy-Mom or Casa Marky Sparky & Cheryl. So K and I left school Tuesday, drove to Houston and watched some amazing dancing with Judy-Mom & Cheryl. I worried that I would want to rewind and watch again but it was VERY cool because we'd seen most of the dances before so it was like watching them all again. Excellent show and we had a wonderful time!

This picture is Z's first nurses note. His teacher stopped me on the way to lunch to let me know that he'd fallen off the monkey bars. When I asked him what happened he said, "I was pretending to be a monkey and didn't make it to the next bar." Nice! Yes - he's a monkey!

Cutest picture of the day! Z&A were watching a PBS show (Fetch with Ruff Ruffman) learning about light reflection and how to make light rays bend! It was so cute to see them sitting there watching so intently eating their apples for snack after school. Oh yea they are little mini

This picture is Z's first nurses note. His teacher stopped me on the way to lunch to let me know that he'd fallen off the monkey bars. When I asked him what happened he said, "I was pretending to be a monkey and didn't make it to the next bar." Nice! Yes - he's a monkey!

Cutest picture of the day! Z&A were watching a PBS show (Fetch with Ruff Ruffman) learning about light reflection and how to make light rays bend! It was so cute to see them sitting there watching so intently eating their apples for snack after school. Oh yea they are little mini

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
A new post - a story to share
I'm not even sure that I will ever post this blog. I have spent the last week trying to allow myself to grieve for my grandfather and have found myself in the midst of many weird feelings and emotions, including guilt (not an unfamiliar arena for my emotions and myself). Although it wasn't were I expected to go. I decided that I should write this story because it is what comforts me and I hope that someday my kids will read/hear this story and enjoy reading it as I enjoyed hearing stories about how my grandparents met, what their courtship was like and ....
My parents were divorced when I was young and I am of the opinion that one of the greatest choices that my mother made was moving back to be close to her parents, G'pa Jess & G'ma Lora. Since I was so young when this happened I don't remember a time in my life that G'pa & G'ma weren't in my life. We spent every holiday with them, July 4th was my favorite as this was their anniversary and G'ma would often laugh and say that others celebrated their independence while she'd give hers up on this day! She'd always laugh and you could tell that it was a decision that she was thankful she'd made. I suppose it is a bonus that my family was so small, I can list the crew here and not take up too much space: G'ma, G'pa, Mom, Debbie, Mark and myself. We thankfully added two terrific guys to the mix, my dad - Al and our Michael (Debbie's other half). Needless to say we were a small but mighty group and we were close, how could you avoid it? One of the greatest gifts I got from this arrangement was my Saturday night routine, Love Boat, Fantasy Island, peanuts and unconditional love! Mark and I spent more Saturday nights with G'ma & G'pa than I can count and each of them consisted of these similarities - G'pa and Mark spent time in the shop (not sure what was in there, I just know that often I got to play in sawdust that was swept out) and G'ma and I made dinner, did the dishes and played games (dress-up and balloon toss come to mind rapidly). I was priveleged to "help" G'ma make homemade pizza and she knew everything we liked and made sure it was there and ready for our pizza. My favorite thing was black olives and I think that my penchant for these worried her because eventually she put bells on my feet to keep me from eating too many and it prevented me from scaring her when I would sneak up to eat them. After the supper was finished and the dishes cleaned we would make our way back to G'ma & G'pa's room where we'd cozy up between them and watch our shows. I remember some of those Fantasy Island's were kind of scary but I don't ever remember having nightmares or being scared while I was at that house on Broadway. I was safe and secure there! I talked to my brother the other day about some of these memories and the neat thing is that we have similar memories - only he knows what happened out there in that shop. I belonged to G'ma and he belonged to G'pa. Since we lost G'ma about a little over 10 years ago I've made every effort to call my G'pa and let him know I was thinking about him, I knew that G'ma would have wanted that even though I remember when she first passed away and I called he seemed baffled and not sure why I would call him. Soon we feel into an understanding, I'd call whenever I could, whenever I was thinking about him and he'd let me yell at him for a minute (maybe two) and then we both felt good about "talking" to each other. This last weekend I was in a quiet car (hard to find being the mother of 4) and I had the urge to call G'pa, this was a opportune time to call him. At that moment I had a sharp stab or sadness followed very closely by guilt, guilt that my desire to call him was a time when I didn't have anything else happening (as if I was bored and calling him would entertain me). I quickly shook myself out of that stupor and realized that we had a deal, he knew I loved him, I knew he loved me and we touched base when we could and I knew that I still had that connection with my amazing grandparents. Now I sit here and that connection has been lost, I'm left with the memories and thankful for them. I have always wanted my kids to have this kind of relationship with their grandparents - it has always been a goal of mine. I couldn't imagine growing up without knowing these two people who loved me through it all and that is what I want to give back to my kids. So to all Grandparents out there - the way you touch the lives of your grandkids is monumental, never underestimate the silly games you make up, the days you take off to spend with your sick grandkids, and including grandkids in your hobbies.
My parents were divorced when I was young and I am of the opinion that one of the greatest choices that my mother made was moving back to be close to her parents, G'pa Jess & G'ma Lora. Since I was so young when this happened I don't remember a time in my life that G'pa & G'ma weren't in my life. We spent every holiday with them, July 4th was my favorite as this was their anniversary and G'ma would often laugh and say that others celebrated their independence while she'd give hers up on this day! She'd always laugh and you could tell that it was a decision that she was thankful she'd made. I suppose it is a bonus that my family was so small, I can list the crew here and not take up too much space: G'ma, G'pa, Mom, Debbie, Mark and myself. We thankfully added two terrific guys to the mix, my dad - Al and our Michael (Debbie's other half). Needless to say we were a small but mighty group and we were close, how could you avoid it? One of the greatest gifts I got from this arrangement was my Saturday night routine, Love Boat, Fantasy Island, peanuts and unconditional love! Mark and I spent more Saturday nights with G'ma & G'pa than I can count and each of them consisted of these similarities - G'pa and Mark spent time in the shop (not sure what was in there, I just know that often I got to play in sawdust that was swept out) and G'ma and I made dinner, did the dishes and played games (dress-up and balloon toss come to mind rapidly). I was priveleged to "help" G'ma make homemade pizza and she knew everything we liked and made sure it was there and ready for our pizza. My favorite thing was black olives and I think that my penchant for these worried her because eventually she put bells on my feet to keep me from eating too many and it prevented me from scaring her when I would sneak up to eat them. After the supper was finished and the dishes cleaned we would make our way back to G'ma & G'pa's room where we'd cozy up between them and watch our shows. I remember some of those Fantasy Island's were kind of scary but I don't ever remember having nightmares or being scared while I was at that house on Broadway. I was safe and secure there! I talked to my brother the other day about some of these memories and the neat thing is that we have similar memories - only he knows what happened out there in that shop. I belonged to G'ma and he belonged to G'pa. Since we lost G'ma about a little over 10 years ago I've made every effort to call my G'pa and let him know I was thinking about him, I knew that G'ma would have wanted that even though I remember when she first passed away and I called he seemed baffled and not sure why I would call him. Soon we feel into an understanding, I'd call whenever I could, whenever I was thinking about him and he'd let me yell at him for a minute (maybe two) and then we both felt good about "talking" to each other. This last weekend I was in a quiet car (hard to find being the mother of 4) and I had the urge to call G'pa, this was a opportune time to call him. At that moment I had a sharp stab or sadness followed very closely by guilt, guilt that my desire to call him was a time when I didn't have anything else happening (as if I was bored and calling him would entertain me). I quickly shook myself out of that stupor and realized that we had a deal, he knew I loved him, I knew he loved me and we touched base when we could and I knew that I still had that connection with my amazing grandparents. Now I sit here and that connection has been lost, I'm left with the memories and thankful for them. I have always wanted my kids to have this kind of relationship with their grandparents - it has always been a goal of mine. I couldn't imagine growing up without knowing these two people who loved me through it all and that is what I want to give back to my kids. So to all Grandparents out there - the way you touch the lives of your grandkids is monumental, never underestimate the silly games you make up, the days you take off to spend with your sick grandkids, and including grandkids in your hobbies.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
I'm still here...
Z started Kindergarten this year! He loves it, and with the exception of one day with tears about pizza for lunch he's doing great.
K is in 5th grade (with me) this year. Although I'm not her teacher, I know most of her teachers VERY well. Yesterday was funny (sad but funny) when she realized that she'd left her homework on the table in my classroom. She could not come and get it, just like any other kid would not have been able to go home and get theirs. She had to walk at recess as a consequence and one of her teachers berated her that this was really hard on her (the teacher) because she didn't want to issue a consequence to someone she loved as much as K. TELL me about it!!!!
A has been doing great and this year when I see her she is happy to hug me and keep moving on with class.
B LOVES his school. We are very happy with him there because he is being challenged and he is really happy. Who could ask for more of a middle school student?!
Sadly we lost my Grandpa this week, he was 90 years old and I know that he is now with G'ma. We all love him very much and will miss him. However it is a blessing that we have had as much time with him as we had. I have said often in the last few days that I spent a great deal of time with my grandparents growing up and for that I am forever grateful!
K is in 5th grade (with me) this year. Although I'm not her teacher, I know most of her teachers VERY well. Yesterday was funny (sad but funny) when she realized that she'd left her homework on the table in my classroom. She could not come and get it, just like any other kid would not have been able to go home and get theirs. She had to walk at recess as a consequence and one of her teachers berated her that this was really hard on her (the teacher) because she didn't want to issue a consequence to someone she loved as much as K. TELL me about it!!!!
A has been doing great and this year when I see her she is happy to hug me and keep moving on with class.
B LOVES his school. We are very happy with him there because he is being challenged and he is really happy. Who could ask for more of a middle school student?!
Sadly we lost my Grandpa this week, he was 90 years old and I know that he is now with G'ma. We all love him very much and will miss him. However it is a blessing that we have had as much time with him as we had. I have said often in the last few days that I spent a great deal of time with my grandparents growing up and for that I am forever grateful!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Dear Scott! You Called me out!
Scott called me out! I have Virginia pictures out the backside and I'm working on a powerpoint to present to our 5th grade students and staff (I'm sure they will be thrilled).
Until then - here are some pictures to whet your appetite!
This first pictures is of Redoubt #10 (this was when and where we won the American Revolution) with the help of our French friends at Redoubt #9. I started with this picture because for me it was the most emotional part of the trip - my imagination was vivid and clear as I imagined the suffering, sadness and ultimate relief as this particular obstacle was overcome. Proud to be an American!

This next picture was also emotional for me. This is me with Bunny - the most amazing history teacher I have ever had the pleasure to spend time with. I feel bad because I was unable to take notes while she talked. She knew so much, had so many stories related to people in history and completely captured my attention! Thought she was GREAT!!!

I went all the way to Virginia and met an Austinite - that was AN AGGIE!! Oh yea!! Gig'Em!

Part of this experience was living out and seeing how people lived in the 18th century. Here I am doing just that:
Searching for worms on tobacco.
If a slave master found a large one they might make a slave eat it,
since it meant they were not doing their job well enough if a worm got that big!

Me & George Washington!!! Actually, as you probably know this isn't the REAL George Washington, but he was amazingly knowledgeable. It was so cool to listen to him present!

This is where I stayed - actually the very first picture that I took. I had the BEST time and cannot wait to go back and to share all of my new found knowledge with anyone who will listen and let me show them my "stuff!"
Until then - here are some pictures to whet your appetite!
This first pictures is of Redoubt #10 (this was when and where we won the American Revolution) with the help of our French friends at Redoubt #9. I started with this picture because for me it was the most emotional part of the trip - my imagination was vivid and clear as I imagined the suffering, sadness and ultimate relief as this particular obstacle was overcome. Proud to be an American!
This next picture was also emotional for me. This is me with Bunny - the most amazing history teacher I have ever had the pleasure to spend time with. I feel bad because I was unable to take notes while she talked. She knew so much, had so many stories related to people in history and completely captured my attention! Thought she was GREAT!!!
I went all the way to Virginia and met an Austinite - that was AN AGGIE!! Oh yea!! Gig'Em!
Part of this experience was living out and seeing how people lived in the 18th century. Here I am doing just that:
If a slave master found a large one they might make a slave eat it,
since it meant they were not doing their job well enough if a worm got that big!
This is a hogshead.
Tobacco was shipped in a barrel just like this!
Insanely big, huh?!
Tobacco was shipped in a barrel just like this!
Insanely big, huh?!
The next picture is of part of my group. Brina, Jo, Linda, Debbie (my running partner), Steve, Mario & Lindsey.
Me & George Washington!!! Actually, as you probably know this isn't the REAL George Washington, but he was amazingly knowledgeable. It was so cool to listen to him present!
This is where I stayed - actually the very first picture that I took. I had the BEST time and cannot wait to go back and to share all of my new found knowledge with anyone who will listen and let me show them my "stuff!"
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