Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Where is a camera when you need one?

Today we went to pick B up at school but he was still at cross country practice so we (ZA & I) decided that there might be some bad guys over by the bleachers. Apparently there were several and Z&A were doing a fine job of taking care of them when Z made a decision to attack some that had retreated below the bleachers. (FYI we are in the midst of pretend play, in case you haven't figured that out yet) So he proceeded to find a good spot to jump off the side, not too high but he did it before I could say, "BAD idea Z!" Before I knew it, monkey see, monkey do and there is A hanging from the railing of the bleachers yelling! To ease all the minds of the G'ma's out there it wasn't that high up, maybe 4 feet (but when you are only 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall that is pretty high!) I ran down the bleachers grabbed her up and complimented her on her upper body strength - she held on long enough for her old mom to run down the bleachers and I couldn't shake the image of the poster with the cat hanging from a branch with the quote, "hang in there baby!" No body was hurt, Z stopped jumping but was very successful in eradicating all the bad guys from the bleachers and we had fun playing outside!

Remember that I reserve the right to have run on sentences and grammatical errors in all of my blogging so enjoy the story and no teacher critique!

1 comment:

tmn said...

Love it...however, you are not OLD, not, not!!! That would make me really old.... I love the thought about the cat hanging on.