Saturday, September 4, 2010

I'm still here...

Z started Kindergarten this year! He loves it, and with the exception of one day with tears about pizza for lunch he's doing great.
K is in 5th grade (with me) this year. Although I'm not her teacher, I know most of her teachers VERY well. Yesterday was funny (sad but funny) when she realized that she'd left her homework on the table in my classroom. She could not come and get it, just like any other kid would not have been able to go home and get theirs. She had to walk at recess as a consequence and one of her teachers berated her that this was really hard on her (the teacher) because she didn't want to issue a consequence to someone she loved as much as K. TELL me about it!!!!
A has been doing great and this year when I see her she is happy to hug me and keep moving on with class.
B LOVES his school. We are very happy with him there because he is being challenged and he is really happy. Who could ask for more of a middle school student?!
Sadly we lost my Grandpa this week, he was 90 years old and I know that he is now with G'ma. We all love him very much and will miss him. However it is a blessing that we have had as much time with him as we had. I have said often in the last few days that I spent a great deal of time with my grandparents growing up and for that I am forever grateful!

G'pa with his FAVORITE granddaughter (so what that I was the only one!)

He always had a special spot in his heart for his first Great-granddaughter
(who he affectionately called Rae)

Last year at Thanksgiving.
Not our best picture but one of the last we have altogether.

Love you G'pa! Let G'ma know how much we love and miss her!!

1 comment:

Scott said...

Sherry, I am very sorry about your G'father. Thanks for telling about your kids. I am glad they are doing well in school!
