Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mo's favorite new accessory (and a Z funny)

I purchased Mo a new pair of pajamas that had a little ballerina tutu with them and now every time we get dressed we have to put that on too - SO CUTE!

Z funny - today while eating lunch Z kept "falling" out of his chair (it was on purpose). I told him that we shouldn't act silly at the table so when he got down from the table and went to put a puzzle together he started "falling" out of his chair again saying, "I totally felled out of the chair." What is he? Some kind of valley-kid?!


Christi said...

Like...totally! :-)

Anonymous said...

I love Mo's new clothing cute !!!!!!
Z is a little guy just full of funny & silly tricks...What a kiddo he is...Love 'em both.

Anonymous said...

I love the funny she wants to wear it with all the clothes she wears.....and your "valley"...he is always full of surprises...Totally !!!!