Thursday, February 5, 2009

Teaching a Lesson

For several months we have been the host family to some friends. It's a long story that I would happily share but most of you know the story. Suffice to say that we have had the "McKid's" staying with us off and on for about 3 months. I didn't realize the lesson that this was teaching until this morning. Z had a friend over and when he invited her to play in his room he explained that, "this my room but right now it belongs to M&M." Listening to that statement I realized that without even realizing it he was learning about sharing in a big way. Wow - who knew that you didn't have to lecture about sharing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How sweet....he certainly is learning a great part of everyday living, and you didn't even have to tell him....I think he takes in a lot that goes on around him. Great kiddo !!!!!
Love, tmn