Thursday, February 26, 2009

A day in the life...

Today was a prime example of why I'm so glad that I'm a stay at home mom. B woke up with an upset stomach - must have been something he ate, it cleared up and he felt much better (but not in time to go to school). I left him here to rest while I went to Bible study - then I left the babies with my friend Heather so that I could run errands quickly. I decided to go ahead and take B with me (since he was better) and then we went and had a bite for lunch. We finished our shopping and were headed back home when I got a call from the kid's school - at first I thought I was busted, they'd seen me out eating lunch with my "sick" kid - then I worried that maybe K was sick (ugh!), with a deep sigh I answered the phone. K's spring (on her braces) had fallen off and was sticking out. Thankfully the orthodontist had warned us that this might happen. I explained that they should just do whatever it took to make her comfortable (cut the wire, remove it, etc.) - the nurse said okay and we hung up. Then she called me right back and said that she wasn't sure how to get the bands off. I said I'd come up there and see what I could do. I drove up there, went in and we tried to cut the wire - I end up putting a nice big dent in their finger nail clippers. At this point the wire was hanging out the front of her mouth (she resembled a walrus with one tusk). I told them that I would be right back and drove speedy quick home to get wire cutters. Finally the deed was done, I came home and made her an appointment to get it fixed tomorrow morning and K has a big wad of wax to keep the wire from scratching the inside of her lip.

Here are some pictures...

Aw sweet sleep.

Aww sweet goofy kid!

Aww sweet slumber.

Aww sweet goofball!

Camo day at school...notice the really great camo shirt that she wore.

He shoots! He SCORES!

All in the day of the life of Jason's Clan!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Until the montage

I'm working on a montage of some really cute photos from the last several months - right now it is 9 minutes long. Obviously it needs a little work!
Until then I wanted to share a couple of things:
Mo can jump - both feet off the ground, gleeful giggles every time and she loves to show it off (video coming soon).
Z, Mo & I changed some light bulbs the other day (we also cleaned the garage and the patio but that's another story), anyway later when it was dark Z said, "wow Mom the light works." Laughingly I said, "yes isn't that amazing, I changed the light bulbs so now they work." His response made Jason and I both roll with laughter. "It would be amazing if Daddy changed the light bulbs!" We aren't really sure how to take that but either way it was hilarious. That Z, he's a laugh a minute!

Monday, February 16, 2009


I received the results this morning for the Generalist 4-8 Test - I scored 260 and I needed 240! I am so excited I can't sit still - makes me laugh that I'm so excited but the key is that I did NOT waste $120! Yea Me! Thank you family and friends for prayers, study time and all the assistance with kids! I appreciate you all! (that was my acceptance speech... hee hee!)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mo's favorite new accessory (and a Z funny)

I purchased Mo a new pair of pajamas that had a little ballerina tutu with them and now every time we get dressed we have to put that on too - SO CUTE!

Z funny - today while eating lunch Z kept "falling" out of his chair (it was on purpose). I told him that we shouldn't act silly at the table so when he got down from the table and went to put a puzzle together he started "falling" out of his chair again saying, "I totally felled out of the chair." What is he? Some kind of valley-kid?!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

February Shout Out!

Happy Birthday to all the February babies out there. I only have one birthday on my calendar (Bonnie - wink, wink)... Happy Birthday John - my favorite father-in-law!!

John is spectacular - I love how he loves my kids and I love how he makes me feel like I've always been a part of the clan (even though I just married into it a mere 15 years ago). John always has a smile and a laugh to share and our conversations are always interesting and full of informaton- hee hee! G'pa John is the grandpa that "knows everything" according to his oldest granddaughter, but I don't know if he should be ice skating (Thanks Bonnie for this great shot!)....

The poor guy - trying to get some work done...
all those kids and grandkids can't be good for business!

For more pictures, click on this link - that John is so funny!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Can't fool you

I thought I could put them in black and white crop them and get a couple of you! You all guessed correctly - Mo, Kess & Me
I was stunned when I noticed how much they all looked alike and thought it would be a cute comparison in my scrapbook - but who wants to wait that long?!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Z's opinion

When I opened this page Z said - aww it's Mo's page. He thinks all three of those pictures are Mo.

Teaching a Lesson

For several months we have been the host family to some friends. It's a long story that I would happily share but most of you know the story. Suffice to say that we have had the "McKid's" staying with us off and on for about 3 months. I didn't realize the lesson that this was teaching until this morning. Z had a friend over and when he invited her to play in his room he explained that, "this my room but right now it belongs to M&M." Listening to that statement I realized that without even realizing it he was learning about sharing in a big way. Wow - who knew that you didn't have to lecture about sharing.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Her new name is Mo

One hundred piece puzzle - wow, he's brilliant (when he's not getting naked outside.)
Yes, I helped with the edges and some inside.

Oops someones missing - but these three are so cute!

The progression of boys - legos to pocket knives - I'm not ready for this!

She is SO beautiful - not to mention smart and sweet!

Sweet little Mo.

A's new name is Mo. She has found the word no, but that isn't exactly the way it comes out. See the video below.
I figure it is a good because now B and A have rhyming nicknames Bo & Mo. Fun!