Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The latest news

So we are having our Triathlon countdown (3 days). This weekend B,K and I will be participating in a Super Sprint Tri - 300 yard swim, 9 mile bike ride and 3 mile run. So in preparation this is what the kids have been doing - watching TV.

I have been trying to keep up with my normal workout schedule and adding in an extra workout when possible (B & I went bike riding last night). K is at Girl Scout day camp this week, she's having fun but not a lot to report on that note.

Z's feeling better - as you can see he was sick, or he wouldn't have napped!

Finally, my friend Rachael surprised me Monday with a little birthday treat. Thank you Rachael, Kyle & Elias - B&Z thanks for singing to me!

Oh yea - A has also had lots of fun with this fun toy - on dry land!


Anonymous said...

With all that tv watching...I want to go to your house! ;-) Can't wait to hear how the triathalon goes!


Kierstyn said...

Awwww... happy birthday!!!!

Anonymous said...

How nice of Rachael to do that for your B' really have some great friend in Hippy Dippy Land....
A and her cute, and talk about relaxing, B looks like he is really exercising !!!! I know you have, and I woke up thinking about you this AM, you will be in my thoughts and prayers today as always.
Love, TMN