Monday, December 17, 2007

To make Scoot famous

This weekend we had a visit from my dad, Judy-mom & Scott! They came to celebrate Christmas with us and to attend B's swim meet. We had a lot of fun - especially when Judy-mom & I beat Dad & Scott at Canasta!!! Yippee!!

A with Uncle Scoot & G'pa Harold.

A with G'ma Judy.

A finally figuring out that she should pull on the paper.
Thankfully she had the binkie in place, otherwise the paper would have been real tasty!

B with his new toy.
You can see Z in the background "helping" open up B's gifts for him.
Hee hee!

Poor K is sick in this picture, but such a trooper.
She can open gifts even when she's sick!

Judy-mom was able to get some good pictures at the swim meet. See below (he's in lane 4):

Thank you all for coming, we had a great time!! :)


Unknown said...

I am famous! Whoop!

Anonymous said...

Moderated from Scott:
Excuse me Mrs. "I am not sure if I remember how to play this game." Sherry! :-) I think the final score was 5020 to 4860... I wouldn't call that a very resounding whooping. :-) haha On that thought, I think I will have to come up and visit you again so that I can show you really how to play the game... :-)

I showed my girlfriend you blog so she could look at the motor my nephew and I built. You did a really good job with the movie editing. She didn't have too much to say about the motor, but she did think that your kids were really cute.

K, I am glad you are feeling better!

B, you really rocked at that swim meet.

Z, where are my cookies!?

A, my girlfriend thinks you are very cute. I am inclined to agree.