Sunday, December 30, 2007

Going green

Some of you have teased me that since I moved to Hippy-Dippy Land I've been becoming a Birkenstock, tree-hugging card carrier... well I think I have officially crossed over to the other side. Here's why I think so:

1.) I berated my brother, Mark, and his family for their non-recycling ways. (Sorry about that Mark, Cheryl, Shawn & Justin... I couldn't help myself see these facts?)

2.) Our doctor mentioned to us the ill effects that are being contributed to the hormone laden cows milk that we are drinking ... see this article.

3.) Yes, I'm still using cloth diapers during the day when my spouse is not here to complain about how big A's backside looks in cloth.

4.) We bought new light fixtures for the hallway, Z&K's bedrooms and the foyer (and yes they are being illuminated with fluorescent bulbs)... know what we did with the old ones? Drove to Hippy-Dippy Land and donated them to Habitat for Humanity. ** By the way thank you Bonnie, John, Terri, Al, Harold, Judy, Erin & Alex for the gift cards. **

5.) Finally for Christmas I asked for and received green bags for the grocery store (thanks Erin)! Love it!

So I'm challenging you all to look at this list and see if there is something you can do to GO GREEN. I will attest that just doing one will make you feel good! :)


Anonymous said...

Hey there -
"Baha Vermont" (aka Northwestern MA) is having the same effect on me. I'm with you on 4 of your 5...I'm not up to speed with the milk issue...

Glad you liked the green bags!

Sherry said...

FYI we haven't given up milk (no more chocolate milk - heaven forbide)... we are just spending TONS of money on organic now.

Anonymous said...

I just read Sara's 10 things a person can do--I think I can do/ or are doing 5-6 of these.
I bought 6 green bags at the good it feels, and wait until I go to our local grocery store with bags from TX !!!! I have already replaced some of the light bulbs. will check with the trash company to check their recycling program if they have one..I hope they don't say they do not, I may not be able to contain my thoughts, as I have started sorting out recycle's that for bringing home the ways of your household ????? Will work on others, esp. organic foods....
Love, mng

Anonymous said...

Dear fdil - This is getting to be quite a challenge to figure out name "codes" - ha!
Love, bmg and ffil

Sherry said...

Reprint, correction, retraction.... ugh I hate it when I make a mistake and then look like a moron! It was pointed out to me that some milk has a little sticker saying no hormones used. Well after that I took a closer look at one of our OLD milk jugs and sure enough there is the statement: "Our Farmers Pledge No Artificial Growth Hormones" So my mistake, not that there's anything wrong with organic. :)