Monday, December 3, 2007


A has a new tooth, top right front tooth to be exact. I am guessing that is what has been waking her up at 1:30am every morning for the last several days. Now that it has broken through I am hoping she will go back to her normal sleeping schedule, I'm sure K is hoping so too since she ended up on the couch last night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bummer for K. Good luck on the teething thing. So how are Jason and Max doing? Teething as well? Shoot some pictures of them too. Better yet get a picture of Jason on that 'Binux' or what ever the heck that is that he plays with. :-) haha (Yea Jason, you can take that comment how ever you want. In fact, please that was a direct assault on your manhood. hahahahahahaha)