Saturday, December 1, 2007

Birthdays, parades and candy... oh my

K went to a b-day party last night at a little girlie salon, I think it was named,
Make My 7 Year Old into a Hoochie-Momma... or something like that!

We had a little fun with K, Jason gave her the what for - I mean really all of that make-up!!! This was all in fun (as you can tell if you look at K's face!).

LOVE this picture!!!!

Today we went to watch K in a parade. As you will be able to see in the pictures (that will follow in a montage) it was all about the candy for Z! Ugh!

Memory Lane:
Reminds me of B's first parade when I told him a piece of candy was a rock and they wanted you to throw them away... poor gullible child!


Kierstyn said...

Oh dear, you better keep K away from that salon! I don't think Jason will be able to handle that!


Anonymous said...

I like that pic also, but the 2 before it are really good, K looks so afraid-Ha, Ha. It looks like K had a great time.

Unknown said...

Sherry, I agree, that last picture is really good. So are you going to to K's hair like that every day prior to school? :-)